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Последние комментари
Вчера, 15:29
Что-то никого на раздаче нету(
30 марта 2024 18:05
Valera_metall, Это таблетка чтоб вы могли играть не покупая игру.
11 октября 2023 09:34
А то что в файлах есть дополнительно троян: Trojan:Win32/ScarletFlash.A Автор умолчал!
1 февраля 2023 19:18
Для того чтобы перенести сохранения с прошлой версии с таблеткой от EMPRESS делаем следующее: 1. Копируем их по пути %SystemDisk%\Users\Public\Documents\EMPRESS\534380\remote\534380\remote\out 2. Вставляем их по пути %SystemDisk%\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu
18 января 2022 18:27
game won't download
12 ноября 2021 06:37
Таблетки отдельно: GTA.3.DE.Crack-whiteee - https://www20.zippyshare.com/v/ZuASEvPi/file.html GTA.Vice.City.DE.City.Crack-whiteee - https://www20.zippyshare.com/v/28l6EM5r/file.html GTA.San.Andreas.DE.Crack-whiteee - https://www20.zippyshare.com/v/XgqLZPak/file.html GTA.3.DE.Crack-ManiacKnight -
9 сентября 2021 09:11
Serj, Язык интерфейса: Русский (в пункте "Установка") Arrosus, Установить последнюю версию драйверов для видеокарты, DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, Microsoft .NET Framework. Подробнее здесь: https://rgmechanics.info/load/14-load_14.html
20 августа 2021 19:04
Симс 3, пока что, самая интересная во всей серии симов. Лучше прошлых, и как по мне лучше, в разы лучше четвёртой!
19 августа 2021 08:38
Potyroky, The game is updated constantly.
1 августа 2021 22:57
Логин, Особенности репака читайте, там написано: Для смены языка используйте "Language Selector.bat" в корне игры
28 июня 2021 14:30
Не могу завершить установку, постоянно то ошибка то протсо замирает, есдли ждать то может и два часа пройти, но без толку, выбирал 2 Гига памяти
23 июня 2021 19:47
Hicks33, Обновили до последних версий коллекцию этих изданий.
8 июня 2021 08:08
Логин, обновление было, присоединяюсь к раздаче.
26 мая 2021 02:15
press the build button. Я нажимаю, а нихера (пролог вроде ещё). То есть нажимать то нажимается, а построить таверну не даёт.
25 мая 2021 19:56
Это с друидами уже или нет?
19 мая 2021 13:49
при установке отключает комп
19 мая 2021 16:41
зависает загрузка на файле /BendGame/content/packs/WindowsNoEditor.pack Логин, терпение мой друг, там подождать надо
17 мая 2021 21:58
И? 3й раз качаю данную раздачу, и в третий раз 0,2% и ВСЕ! Але, если раздачи нет, удалите из списка ЭТУ раздачу.
15 мая 2021 12:41
Здравствуйте обновите Симс 4 до версии пожалуйста
13 мая 2021 16:20
Если за основу взята 2981, то и версия 2981, а не 2955?
12 мая 2021 17:22
Данная версия не запускается, вылетает после логотипа CDR! Хотфикс v1.22 скоро появится у вас?
5 мая 2021 08:42
again, no seeds.. this is getting boring.. you people really need to do something..
5 мая 2021 08:40
how are we supposed to download when there are no seeders present in the torrents, gents?
5 мая 2021 08:37
why are there no seeds?!
30 апреля 2021 11:48
Hi, Thank you for the crack. Is it possible to have the files of the update 1.2.1 ?
27 апреля 2021 16:33
Этот репак на 8,1 не запускается, версия 2189 здесь
26 апреля 2021 22:21
Ребята исправьте шапку - тут пятая Гта весом 43 Гб. Только какая версия непонятно. Не 2245? Короче, качаю, сейчас проверим версию...
23 апреля 2021 08:58
Кто скачал? Как игра, работает?
21 апреля 2021 10:53
как запустить?
14 апреля 2021 17:26
2-го июня 2020 года разработчики решили потроллить всех пользователей пиратской версии игры. Теперь она автоматически включает украинский интерфейс, какой бы язык не был выбран до этого. Чтобы исправить это - заблокируйте .exe игры в файрволе и переключите язык в конфиг файле(Диск
показать все
Нас уже {user_num}

Victoria 3 - Grand Edition (Paradox Interactive) (RUS/ENG/MULTi11) [P]

  • 3 168
  • 25 окт 2022
  • 0
Victoria 3 - Grand Edition (Paradox Interactive) (RUS/ENG/MULTi11) [P]

Год выпуска: 25 октября 2022
Жанр: Strategy / Simulation
Разработчик: Paradox Development Studio
Издательство: Paradox Interactive
Язык интерфейса: Русский*, английский, MULTi11
Версия: 1.0.3 (Build 9746145)
Тип издания: Пиратка
Таблeтка: вшита (FAIRLIGHT Steam emu.)
*Меняется в настройках игры (требуется перезагрузка игры для применения)
Минимальные системные требования:
- Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-3250 / AMD FX 8370 [требуется поддержка AVX инструкций]
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) / AMD R7 370 (2GB) / Intel HD Graphics 630 / AMD Radeon Vega 8
- Место на диске: 8,7 GB
Описание: Paradox Development Studio предлагает вам построить идеальное общество в суматохе безумного XIX века. Найдите способ уравновесить общественные противоречия и заслужите место под солнцем в Victoria 3 — одной из самых ожидаемых игр в истории студии.

Grand Edition
- 1 сборник музыки (дата выхода пока не известна)
- 1 сборник иллюстраций (дата выхода пока не известна)
- 1 атмосферный набор (дата выхода пока не известна)
- 1 Expansion Pack (дата выхода пока не известна)
- Бонус Expansion Pass: набор American Building Pack

2071472=Victoria 3 - Expansion Pass
2071470=Victoria 3: Victoria II Remastered Songs
2071471=Victoria 3 - American Building Pack

Особенности игры
- Управляйте любой из десятков стран мира в период с 1836 по 1936 год. Сельское хозяйство или промышленность, верность традициям или радикальные реформы, мирная жизнь или завоевания — выбор за вами!
- Помните, что у каждой группы населения свои политические воззрения и экономические проблемы.
- Создайте прогрессивное общество с помощью правительственных реформ и обновлений конституции или встаньте на защиту традиционных ценностей от революционных потрясений.
- Исследуйте новые технологии и изучайте новые идеи, чтобы помочь развитию своей страны.

- Развивайте промышленность и торговлю, облагайте прибыль налогами и повышайте национальное благосостояние.
- Импортируйте дешевое сырье для обеспечения основных нужд и ищите новые рынки для сбыта товаров.
- Регулируйте оборот важнейших товаров, чтобы поддерживать свою экономику и влиять на судьбы империй.
- Используйте дешевую рабочую силу, но не забывайте о потребности рынка в квалифицированных сотрудниках.

- Дергайте за ниточки в запутанной дипломатической паутине, плетите интриги, создавайте союзы, ссорьте и мирите, укрепляйте свои позиции в мире.
- Используйте угрозы, военное превосходство и блеф, чтобы заставить врагов отступить.
- Развивайте экономику и армию за счет противников.
- Развивайте промышленность или завоевывайте новые территории, чтобы укрепить свою репутацию и заслужить уважение конкурентов.

Запуск игры
1. Скачать игру в любое место на вашем диске (главное чтобы на пути к папке с игрой не было кириллицы)
2. Запуск игры с файла victoria3.exe из папки binaries

Почему игра может не запускаться?
- Убирайте кириллицу из пути к папке с игрой,
- Имя пользователя Windows не должно содержать кириллицу,
- Убирайте атрибут "только чтение" с папки с игрой,
- Убирайте папку с игрой из торрент-клиента, перед тем как запускать игру,
- Выключайте антивирус, т.к. он может блокировать запуск исполняемых и/или дополнительных файлов.
- На самый крайний случай - перекачайте папку с игрой полностью, по новой.
Загрузил:GamesRepack (25 октября 2022 22:23) Статус:Проверено (GamesRepack)
Взяли: 157 | Размер: 8,69 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Victoria 3-InsaneRamZes (14922 файла)
binaries (18 файлов)
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binaries (1 файл)
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file dbghelp.dll (1,85 Mb)
file dxcompiler.dll (18,44 Mb)
file dxil.dll (1,43 Mb)
file flt.ini (257 b)
file fmod.dll (1,74 Mb)
file fmodstudio.dll (1,37 Mb)
file nakama-cpp.dll (5,41 Mb)
file nvtt.dll (721 Kb)
file pops_api.dll (5,04 Mb)
file steam_api64.dll (276,99 Kb)
file steamclient64.dll (11,38 Mb)
file victoria3.exe.manifest (145 b)
exe victoria3.exe (49,31 Mb)
file victoria3_win_console.exe.manifest (145 b)
exe victoria3_win_console.exe (150,5 Kb)
clausewitz (6 файлов)
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file OpenSans-Bold.ttf (219,19 Kb)
file OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf (208,17 Kb)
file OpenSans-ExtraBold.ttf (217,21 Kb)
file OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf (208,34 Kb)
file OpenSans-Italic.ttf (207,77 Kb)
file OpenSans-Light.ttf (217,03 Kb)
file OpenSans-LightItalic.ttf (208,03 Kb)
file OpenSans-Regular.ttf (212,18 Kb)
file OpenSans-SemiBold.ttf (215,98 Kb)
file OpenSans-SemiBoldItalic.ttf (207,75 Kb)
Roboto_Mono (11 файлов)
txt LICENSE.txt (11,09 Kb)
file RobotoMono-Bold.ttf (112,06 Kb)
file RobotoMono-BoldItalic.ttf (119,93 Kb)
file RobotoMono-Italic.ttf (118 Kb)
file RobotoMono-Light.ttf (116,19 Kb)
file RobotoMono-LightItalic.ttf (124,58 Kb)
file RobotoMono-Medium.ttf (112,01 Kb)
file RobotoMono-MediumItalic.ttf (120,74 Kb)
file RobotoMono-Regular.ttf (111,94 Kb)
file RobotoMono-Thin.ttf (115,36 Kb)
file RobotoMono-ThinItalic.ttf (118,61 Kb)
file cw_fonts.font (4,58 Kb)
gfx (13 файлов)
backgrounds (1 файл)
file bg_outline_simple.dds (208,39 Kb)
compound_nodes (5 файлов)
Particle (8 файлов)
file Duration Pause Timer (Complex).compound (4,81 Kb)
file Duration Pause Timer (Complex).editordata (1,22 Kb)
file Duration Pause Timer.compound (1,95 Kb)
file Duration Pause Timer.editordata (526 b)
file Kill by Age & Id.compound (1,55 Kb)
file Kill by Age & Id.editordata (479 b)
file Rotate to Velocity.compound (2,3 Kb)
file Rotate to Velocity.editordata (498 b)
file Base with Variation.compound (1,44 Kb)
file Base with Variation.editordata (447 b)
file ScaledCurveSampler.compound (1,43 Kb)
file ScaledCurveSampler.editordata (333 b)
cursors (12 файлов)
file busy.ani (50,39 Kb)
png busy.png (3,77 Kb)
file create.cur (4,19 Kb)
png create.png (20,64 Kb)
file merge.cur (4,19 Kb)
png merge.png (20,64 Kb)
file noclick.cur (4,19 Kb)
png noclick.png (20,64 Kb)
file normal.cur (4,19 Kb)
png normal.png (20,43 Kb)
file revert.cur (4,19 Kb)
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file prev.dds (1,39 Kb)
file remove.dds (1,39 Kb)
file reset.dds (1,69 Kb)
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png select_anchor.png (3,92 Kb)
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png brush_plus.png (339 b)
png brush_settings_lock.png (2,39 Kb)
png clamp_to_water.png (5,47 Kb)
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file select_objects.dds (4,13 Kb)
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file tools_select.dds (2,13 Kb)
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png trimmer.png (2,71 Kb)
FX (16 файлов)
cw (42 файла)
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file blit.shader (1,56 Kb)
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file custom_msaa_resolve.shader (1,57 Kb)
file debug_constants.fxh (606 b)
file debuglines.shader (1,77 Kb)
file defines_common.fxh (880 b)
file defines_glsl4.fxh (5,44 Kb)
file defines_hlsl.fxh (7,77 Kb)
file fullscreen_vertexshader.fxh (692 b)
file heightmap.fxh (8,58 Kb)
file lean.fxh (1,04 Kb)
file light_culling.shader (18,91 Kb)
file lighting.fxh (7,51 Kb)
file lighting_constants.fxh (0 b)
file lighting_util.fxh (959 b)
file lines.fxh (3,6 Kb)
file particle2.fxh (3,68 Kb)
file particle2.shader (1,96 Kb)
file pdx_lights.fxh (15,21 Kb)
file pdx_texture_atlas.shader (622 b)
file pdxgui.fxh (1,7 Kb)
file pdxgui_default_base.fxh (3,34 Kb)
file pdxgui_helper.fxh (651 b)
file pdxgui_line.fxh (2,37 Kb)
file pdxgui_sprite.fxh (78 b)
file pdxgui_sprite_base.fxh (11,36 Kb)
file pdxgui_sprite_textures.fxh (1,82 Kb)
file pdxgui_sprite_textures_wrap.fxh (1,8 Kb)
file pdxgui_triangle.fxh (979 b)
file pdxmesh.fxh (10,82 Kb)
file pdxmesh_blendshapes.fxh (3,92 Kb)
file pdxmesh_buffers.fxh (4,02 Kb)
file pdxmesh_helper.fxh (917 b)
file pdxterrain.fxh (14,09 Kb)
file printf.fxh (5,2 Kb)
file random.fxh (832 b)
file shadow.fxh (2,71 Kb)
file utility.fxh (7,88 Kb)
file water.fxh (1,62 Kb)
imgui (1 файл)
file imgui.shader (1,43 Kb)
file pdxbink.shader (3,69 Kb)
file pdxgui.shader (4,25 Kb)
file pdxgui_colorpicker.shader (5,39 Kb)
file pdxgui_default.shader (106 b)
file pdxgui_glow.shader (1,19 Kb)
file pdxgui_line.shader (2,4 Kb)
file pdxgui_piechart.shader (5,52 Kb)
file pdxgui_progressbar.shader (2,86 Kb)
file pdxgui_pushbutton.shader (3 Kb)
file pdxgui_repeat_texture.shader (111 b)
file pdxgui_texticon.shader (940 b)
file pdxgui_treemapchart.shader (1,51 Kb)
file pdxgui_triangle.shader (503 b)
file pdxguieditor_pushbutton.shader (1,32 Kb)
interface (4 файла)
file default_modify_texture_white.dds (144 b)
file default_piechart_mask.dds (256,13 Kb)
file default_treemapchart_mask.dds (256,13 Kb)
file white.dds (144 b)
models (1 файл)
file mesh_not_found_fallback_object.mesh (2,18 Kb)
node_editor (85 файлов)
file line_mask.dds (85,52 Kb)
file line_white.dds (176 b)
file pdxns_3d_YawPitchVectorRotation.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_3d_yawpitchvectorf.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_common_compound.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_common_curvesampler.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_default.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_gfx_HsvaComponents.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_gfx_hsva.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_gfx_rgba.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_gfx_rgbacomponents.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_gfx_texture.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_logic_selectb.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_logic_selectf.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_logic_selectv3f.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_AddF.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_AddI.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_AddV3F.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_CrossV.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_DivI.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_DivV3FF.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_Dot.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_MulI.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_MulV3FF.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_NormalizeV3.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_and.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_divf.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_equali.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_generic.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_greaterthanequalf.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_greaterthanf.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_mulf.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_not.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_or.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_math_randomF.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_GetPosition.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_GetSize.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_SetSize.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_accelerate.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_applyforce.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_decelerate.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_emitter.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_getage.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_getcolor.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_getorientation.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_getparticlecount.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_getspeed.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_gettag.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_getuserdata.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_getvelocity.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_kill.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_killsystem.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_setcolor.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_setdirection.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_setorientation.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_setposition.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_setspeed.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_settag.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_settexture.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_setuserdata.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_particle_setvelocity.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_Float.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_Int32.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_bool.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_breakvector2f.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_breakvector2i.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_breakvector3f.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_breakvector3i.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_breakvector4f.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_breakvector4i.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_color.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_constvector2f.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_constvector2i.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_constvector3f.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_constvector3i.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_constvector4f.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_constvector4i.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_curve.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_vector2f.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_vector2i.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_vector3f.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_vector3i.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pdxns_values_vector4f.dds (640 b)
file pdxns_values_vector4i.dds (640 b)
file unknown.dds (4,13 Kb)
particles (5 файлов)
file debug_axis.dds (85,48 Kb)
file debug_axis.editordata (3 Kb)
file debug_axis.particle2 (8,49 Kb)
file test.editordata (857 b)
file test.particle2 (2,3 Kb)
terrain (1 файл)
file neutral_blend.dds (136 b)
tools (32 файла)
material (36 файлов)
txt LICENSE.txt (11,09 Kb)
png brush.png (178 b)
png circle.png (242 b)
png clamp.png (285 b)
png delete.png (122 b)
file editor_icon_autosave.dds (4,13 Kb)
file editor_icon_edit_mode.dds (4,13 Kb)
file editor_icon_outside_parent.dds (4,13 Kb)
file editor_icon_show_active.dds (4,13 Kb)
file editor_icon_show_hierarchy.dds (4,13 Kb)
png error_icon.png (309 b)
png export.png (180 b)
file export_btn.dds (528 b)
png eye_dropper.png (213 b)
png grid.png (140 b)
png import.png (194 b)
file import_btn.dds (528 b)
png info_icon.png (374 b)
png load.png (106 b)
png mask_import.png (765 b)
png network.png (6,1 Kb)
png nudger.png (242 b)
png padlock.png (3,05 Kb)
png placeholder_river_tool.png (782 b)
png reload_heightmap.png (3,79 Kb)
png save.png (180 b)
png save_all.png (2,85 Kb)
png save_as.png (3,53 Kb)
png setter.png (216 b)
png settings.png (215 b)
png smart_brush.png (1,78 Kb)
png terrain.png (178 b)
png terrain_colormap_overlay.png (1,67 Kb)
png terrain_import.png (393 b)
png timeline.png (193 b)
png warning_icon.png (333 b)
file camera_fit.dds (16,13 Kb)
file camera_limits_icon.dds (4,13 Kb)
file checkbox_background.dds (3,25 Kb)
file copy_icon.dds (4,13 Kb)
file curve_editor_icon.dds (8,13 Kb)
file debug_icon.dds (2,13 Kb)
file delete_icon.dds (384 b)
file down_arrow_icon.dds (384 b)
file exit_icon.dds (384 b)
file expand_icon.dds (2,13 Kb)
file focus_view_icon.dds (4,13 Kb)
file foldout_button.dds (4,13 Kb)
file left_arrow_icon.dds (384 b)
file lock_checkbox.dds (10,83 Kb)
file node_graph.dds (16,13 Kb)
file padlock_checkbutton.dds (640 b)
file padlock_icon.dds (1,13 Kb)
file paste_icon.dds (4,13 Kb)
file pixel_snap_icon.dds (1,13 Kb)
file reload_icon.dds (384 b)
file rename_icon.dds (1,13 Kb)
file reset_icon.dds (4,13 Kb)
file resize_window.dds (1,13 Kb)
file right_arrow_icon.dds (384 b)
file save_icon.dds (1,13 Kb)
file table_header.dds (4,13 Kb)
file terrain_picker_icon.dds (4,13 Kb)
file texel_density_texture.dds (4 Mb)
file up_arrow_icon.dds (384 b)
file visibility_icon.dds (2,13 Kb)
png warning_icon.png (333 b)
gui (14 файлов)
applicationutils (15 файлов)
file console.gui (409 b)
file curve_editor.gui (2,17 Kb)
file drawcmds_viewer.gui (5,85 Kb)
file settings.gui (7,55 Kb)
file shortcuts.shortcuts (856 b)
file texture_importer.gui (9,64 Kb)
file texture_list.gui (7,56 Kb)
file texture_viewer.gui (9,77 Kb)
file thread_analyze.gui (2,84 Kb)
file tools_gui_bundle_properties.gui (6,66 Kb)
file tools_gui_custom_properties.gui (10,67 Kb)
file tools_gui_dialogs.gui (4,3 Kb)
file tools_gui_dialogs_properties.gui (10,8 Kb)
file tools_gui_search.gui (3,91 Kb)
file tweaker.gui (3,82 Kb)
gui_editor (7 файлов)
file gui_editor.gui (9,26 Kb)
file gui_editor_datatypes.gui (2,95 Kb)
file gui_editor_outliner.gui (4,95 Kb)
file gui_editor_properties.gui (9,03 Kb)
file gui_editor_shortcuts.shortcuts (537 b)
file gui_editor_toolbar.gui (70 b)
txt icon_editor_mapping.txt (779 b)
node_editor (7 файлов)
file decompose_aggregate_node_window.gui (1,52 Kb)
file graph_panel.gui (9,05 Kb)
file group_node_window.gui (3,36 Kb)
file node_editor.gui (9,85 Kb)
file search_list_window.gui (1,24 Kb)
file shortcuts.shortcuts (454 b)
file viewport.gui (31 b)
object_explorer (3 файла)
file common.gui (960 b)
file object_browser.gui (11,16 Kb)
file object_inspector.gui (2,33 Kb)
particle_editor (2 файла)
file particle_editor_userdata_dialog.gui (2,44 Kb)
file particle_nodes.gui (1,24 Kb)
pdx_profiler (1 файл)
file profiler.shortcuts (56 b)
tools (15 файлов)
file backgrounds.gui (1,03 Kb)
file dockable_layout_manager.gui (1,6 Kb)
file dropdown.gui (2,16 Kb)
file foldouts.gui (1,1 Kb)
file gfx_skin_editor.gui (4,93 Kb)
file gruvbox_colors.gui (2,93 Kb)
file helper.gui (51 b)
file indents.gui (0 b)
file notifications.gui (1,27 Kb)
file save_dialog.gui (10,94 Kb)
file slider.gui (1,5 Kb)
file table.gui (446 b)
file tool_options.gui (1,6 Kb)
file toolbox.gui (597 b)
file tools_style.gui (1,02 Kb)
file default.layout (44 b)
file profiler.gui (7,91 Kb)
file tool_property_randomizable_types.gui (2,26 Kb)
file tool_property_ranged_types.gui (2,84 Kb)
file toolslayout.gui (11,54 Kb)
file toolspropertytypes.gui (11,18 Kb)
file toolstypes.gui (22,62 Kb)
localization (57 файлов)
text_utils (11 файлов)
file cw_text_utils_l_braz_por.yml (75 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_english.yml (80 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_french.yml (76 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_german.yml (78 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_japanese.yml (90 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_korean.yml (91 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_polish.yml (76 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_russian.yml (76 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_simp_chinese.yml (94 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_spanish.yml (75 b)
file cw_text_utils_l_turkish.yml (76 b)
file cw_date_l_braz_por.yml (955 b)
file cw_date_l_english.yml (925 b)
file cw_date_l_french.yml (930 b)
file cw_date_l_german.yml (919 b)
file cw_date_l_japanese.yml (930 b)
file cw_date_l_korean.yml (928 b)
file cw_date_l_polish.yml (954 b)
file cw_date_l_russian.yml (1,07 Kb)
file cw_date_l_simp_chinese.yml (955 b)
file cw_date_l_spanish.yml (928 b)
file cw_date_l_turkish.yml (924 b)
file cw_localize_l_braz_por.yml (270 b)
file cw_localize_l_english.yml (269 b)
file cw_localize_l_french.yml (376 b)
file cw_localize_l_german.yml (375 b)
file cw_localize_l_japanese.yml (270 b)
file cw_localize_l_korean.yml (374 b)
file cw_localize_l_polish.yml (268 b)
file cw_localize_l_russian.yml (376 b)
file cw_localize_l_simp_chinese.yml (380 b)
file cw_localize_l_spanish.yml (377 b)
file cw_localize_l_turkish.yml (269 b)
file cw_settings_l_braz_por.yml (12,98 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_english.yml (11,83 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_french.yml (13,78 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_german.yml (13,57 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_japanese.yml (14,73 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_korean.yml (13,54 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_polish.yml (14,26 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_russian.yml (18,39 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_simp_chinese.yml (11,41 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_spanish.yml (13,33 Kb)
file cw_settings_l_turkish.yml (13,27 Kb)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_braz_por.yml (305 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_english.yml (322 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_french.yml (335 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_german.yml (413 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_japanese.yml (385 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_korean.yml (397 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_polish.yml (365 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_russian.yml (540 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_simp_chinese.yml (299 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_spanish.yml (344 b)
file cw_settings_warnings_l_turkish.yml (380 b)
file cw_tools_l_braz_por.yml (5,89 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_english.yml (5,67 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_french.yml (6,17 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_german.yml (6,04 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_japanese.yml (7,07 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_korean.yml (6,07 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_polish.yml (6,26 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_russian.yml (7,2 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_simp_chinese.yml (5,4 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_spanish.yml (5,88 Kb)
file cw_tools_l_turkish.yml (5,84 Kb)
file languages.yml (3,12 Kb)
txt compound_settings.txt (1,08 Kb)
zip fulloc_clausewitz_2021_12_09.zip (43,95 Kb)
game (25 файлов)
common (83 файла)
achievements (1 файл)
txt standard_achievments.txt (12,26 Kb)
ai_strategies (4 файла)
txt 00_default_strategy.txt (48,69 Kb)
txt 01_admin_strategies.txt (8,95 Kb)
txt 02_diplomatic_strategies.txt (23,76 Kb)
txt 03_political_strategies.txt (12,17 Kb)
alert_groups (1 файл)
txt 00_alert_groups.txt (434 b)
alert_types (1 файл)
txt 00_alert_types.txt (10,58 Kb)
battle_conditions (2 файла)
txt 00_battle_conditions.txt (10,89 Kb)
file battle_condition.info (2,44 Kb)
buildings (14 файлов)
txt 01_industry.txt (6,42 Kb)
txt 02_agro.txt (2,87 Kb)
txt 03_mines.txt (2,92 Kb)
txt 04_plantations.txt (4 Kb)
txt 05_military.txt (1,54 Kb)
txt 06_urban_center.txt (1,16 Kb)
txt 07_government.txt (1,92 Kb)
txt 08_monuments.txt (11,7 Kb)
txt 09_misc_resource.txt (2,17 Kb)
txt 10_canals.txt (1,13 Kb)
txt 11_private_infrastructure.txt (979 b)
txt 12_subsistence.txt (1,39 Kb)
txt 13_construction.txt (523 b)
file _buildings.info (4,4 Kb)
building_groups (1 файл)
txt 00_building_groups.txt (11,24 Kb)
buy_packages (1 файл)
txt 00_buy_packages.txt (29,94 Kb)
canals (1 файл)
txt 00_canals.txt (642 b)
character_templates (12 файлов)
txt default_template.txt (1,51 Kb)
txt historical_commanders_africa.txt (3 b)
txt historical_commanders_americas.txt (10,95 Kb)
txt historical_commanders_asia.txt (7,58 Kb)
txt historical_commanders_europe.txt (35,65 Kb)
txt historical_leaders_africa.txt (807 b)
txt historical_leaders_americas.txt (2,56 Kb)
txt historical_leaders_asia.txt (2,4 Kb)
txt historical_leaders_europe.txt (7,66 Kb)
txt napoleon_template.txt (1,21 Kb)
txt test_template.txt (33 b)
txt wilde_template.txt (496 b)
character_traits (4 файла)
file _character_traits.info (1,68 Kb)
txt condition_traits.txt (7,27 Kb)
txt personality_traits.txt (10,14 Kb)
txt skill_traits.txt (23,83 Kb)
coat_of_arms (3 файла)
coat_of_arms (13 файлов)
txt 00_null.txt (68 b)
txt 01_subs.txt (65,15 Kb)
txt 01_subs_usa.txt (566,91 Kb)
txt 02_countries.txt (527,4 Kb)
txt 02_countries_2.txt (6,03 Kb)
txt 02_countries_usa.txt (16,69 Kb)
txt 02_overlord_border.txt (161 b)
txt 02_revolutionary_cantons.txt (155 b)
txt 03_random.txt (33,78 Kb)
txt 03_random_anarchy.txt (1,05 Kb)
txt 03_random_communist.txt (16,95 Kb)
txt 03_random_fascist.txt (8,03 Kb)
txt 03_random_revolutions.txt (941 b)
options (1 файл)
txt atlases.txt (239 b)
template_lists (5 файлов)
txt coa_templates.txt (10 Kb)
txt color_lists.txt (2,76 Kb)
txt colored_emblem_lists.txt (24,22 Kb)
txt pattern_lists.txt (2,61 Kb)
txt textured_emblem_lists.txt (2,02 Kb)
combat_unit_types (1 файл)
txt 00_combat_units.txt (11,35 Kb)
commander_orders (7 файлов)
txt 00_advance.txt (661 b)
txt 00_defend.txt (688 b)
txt 00_interception.txt (443 b)
txt 00_stand_by.txt (394 b)
txt 01_convoy_raiding.txt (510 b)
txt 01_naval_invasion.txt (690 b)
txt 01_patrol.txt (501 b)
commander_ranks (1 файл)
txt 00_commander_ranks.txt (4,64 Kb)
country_creation (1 файл)
txt 00_releasable_countries.txt (29,39 Kb)
country_definitions (3 файла)
txt 00_countries.txt (50,5 Kb)
txt 01_africa.txt (20,13 Kb)
txt 01_pacific_and_australasia.txt (6,57 Kb)
country_formation (2 файла)
txt 00_formable_countries.txt (7,45 Kb)
txt 00_major_formables.txt (1,7 Kb)
country_ranks (1 файл)
txt 00_country_ranks.txt (4,18 Kb)
country_types (1 файл)
txt 00_country_types.txt (2,2 Kb)
cultures (2 файла)
txt 00_additional_cultures.txt (15,85 Kb)
txt 00_cultures.txt (258,25 Kb)
culture_graphics (1 файл)
txt 00_culture_graphics.txt (77 b)
customizable_localization (12 файлов)
txt 00_characters.txt (5,38 Kb)
txt 01_decisions.txt (292 b)
txt 02_events.txt (13,27 Kb)
txt 03_misc.txt (543 b)
txt 04_units.txt (3,99 Kb)
txt 10_expedition_loc.txt (1,19 Kb)
txt 99_br_custom_loc.txt (1,48 Kb)
txt 99_de_custom_loc.txt (21,11 Kb)
txt 99_es_custom_loc.txt (2,85 Kb)
txt 99_fr_custom_loc.txt (36,73 Kb)
txt 99_pl_custom_loc.txt (3,39 Kb)
txt 99_ru_custom_loc.txt (1,1 Mb)
decisions (21 файл)
txt 000_decisions_help.txt (4,28 Kb)
txt 00_decisions.txt (3,61 Kb)
txt alaska_purchase.txt (1,01 Kb)
txt antarctica_expedition_decision.txt (981 b)
txt british_raj_decisions.txt (438 b)
txt canada_australia.txt (4,27 Kb)
txt canal_decisions.txt (4,72 Kb)
txt central_africa_expedition_decision.txt (1,15 Kb)
txt congo_expedition_decision.txt (1,1 Kb)
txt doctrine_of_lapse_decision.txt (646 b)
txt expand_east_indies.txt (2,42 Kb)
txt goods_ban_decisions.txt (2,01 Kb)
txt grand_exhibition_decision.txt (1,19 Kb)
txt hawaii_decisions.txt (1,11 Kb)
txt ionian_islands.txt (961 b)
txt japan_shinto.txt (579 b)
txt manifest_destiny.txt (3,56 Kb)
txt niger_river_expedition_decision.txt (1,12 Kb)
txt skyscraper_decision.txt (1,14 Kb)
txt spanish_flu_decisions.txt (534 b)
txt west_america_expidition_decision.txt (1,24 Kb)
decrees (1 файл)
txt 00_decree.txt (11,11 Kb)
defines (5 файлов)
jomini (3 файла)
txt 00_tooltips.txt (770 b)
txt fog_of_war.txt (1,8 Kb)
txt rivers.txt (366 b)
txt 00_audio.txt (1,41 Kb)
txt 00_defines.txt (152,4 Kb)
txt 00_graphics.txt (18,5 Kb)
txt 00_interfaces.txt (5,7 Kb)
diplomatic_actions (20 файлов)
txt 00_relations_actions.txt (5,31 Kb)
txt 01_expel_diplomats.txt (1,38 Kb)
txt 02_obligation_actions.txt (8,14 Kb)
txt 03_violate_sovereignty.txt (6,11 Kb)
txt 10_alliance.txt (7,89 Kb)
txt 11_defensive_pact.txt (7,87 Kb)
txt 12_rivalry.txt (3,05 Kb)
txt 13_embargo.txt (2,56 Kb)
txt 14_trade_agreement.txt (6,34 Kb)
txt 15_customs_union.txt (14,51 Kb)
txt 16_bankroll.txt (5,48 Kb)
txt 17_war_reparations.txt (454 b)
txt 18_humiliation.txt (365 b)
txt 19_subject_protectorate.txt (11,4 Kb)
txt 20_subject_puppet.txt (4,34 Kb)
txt 21_subject_dominion.txt (4,41 Kb)
txt 22_subject_personal_union.txt (4,32 Kb)
txt 23_subject_vassal.txt (4,34 Kb)
txt 24_subject_tributary.txt (11,35 Kb)
file _diplomatic_action.info (4,21 Kb)
diplomatic_plays (2 файла)
txt 00_diplomatic_plays.txt (14,26 Kb)
file _diplomatic_plays.info (549 b)
discrimination_traits (4 файла)
txt 00_cultural_heritage.txt (498 b)
txt 01_religious_heritage.txt (188 b)
txt 02_cultural_descriptive.txt (513 b)
txt 03_culture_groups.txt (1,36 Kb)
dna_data (50 файлов)
txt 00_abraham_lincoln.txt (7,9 Kb)
txt 00_andres_de_santa_cruz.txt (8,49 Kb)
txt 00_andrew_jackson.txt (7,66 Kb)
txt 00_antonio_lopez.txt (7,91 Kb)
txt 00_daoguang_emperor.txt (7,72 Kb)
txt 00_dna.txt (7,78 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_ferdinand_01.txt (7,8 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_komei.txt (8,45 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_meiji.txt (7,87 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_minh_mang.txt (8,45 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_napoleon_03.txt (8,43 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_ninko.txt (9,15 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_pedro_02.txt (8,18 Kb)
txt 00_emperor_tewodros_02.txt (7,75 Kb)
txt 00_francisco_de_paula_santander.txt (8,49 Kb)
txt 00_giuseppe_garibaldi.txt (7,92 Kb)
txt 00_karl_marx.txt (7,86 Kb)
txt 00_king_bagyidaw.txt (8,49 Kb)
txt 00_king_ferdinand_02.txt (7,9 Kb)
txt 00_king_frederick_06.txt (8,5 Kb)
txt 00_king_frederik_william_03.txt (7,82 Kb)
txt 00_king_heonjong.txt (7,61 Kb)
txt 00_king_karl_14.txt (8,37 Kb)
txt 00_king_leopold_01.txt (8,49 Kb)
txt 00_king_louis_philippe_01.txt (8,02 Kb)
txt 00_king_mohammad_shah_qajar.txt (7,72 Kb)
txt 00_king_otto_of_greece.txt (8,48 Kb)
txt 00_king_rama_03.txt (7,63 Kb)
txt 00_king_victor_emmanuel_02.txt (7,72 Kb)
txt 00_king_william_01.txt (9,15 Kb)
txt 00_king_william_04.txt (7,68 Kb)
txt 00_maharaja_ranjit_singh.txt (7,66 Kb)
txt 00_mahmud_02.txt (7,69 Kb)
txt 00_miguel barragan.txt (7,63 Kb)
txt 00_muhammad_ali.txt (7,77 Kb)
txt 00_oscar_wilde.txt (7,73 Kb)
txt 00_otto_von_bismarck.txt (7,92 Kb)
txt 00_pope_gregory_16.txt (8,07 Kb)
txt 00_president_francisco_morazan.txt (8,45 Kb)
txt 00_president_joaquin_prieto.txt (8,42 Kb)
txt 00_president_jose_maria_vargas.txt (8,37 Kb)
txt 00_president_manuel_de_rosas.txt (8,48 Kb)
txt 00_queen_isabella_02.txt (7,74 Kb)
txt 00_queen_maria.txt (7,62 Kb)
txt 00_queen_victoria.txt (8,16 Kb)
txt 00_shogun_tokugawa_ienari.txt (8,04 Kb)
txt 00_sigmund_freud.txt (7,78 Kb)
txt 00_tsar_nicolas_01.txt (7,6 Kb)
txt 00_tsar_nicolas_02.txt (7,62 Kb)
file _dna_data.info (247 b)
dynamic_country_map_colors (1 файл)
txt 00_default.txt (6,01 Kb)
dynamic_country_names (2 файла)
txt 00_dynamic_country_names.txt (34,57 Kb)
file _dynamic_country_names.info (559 b)
effect_localization (15 файлов)
txt 00_building_effects_loc.txt (87 b)
txt 00_character_effects_loc.txt (1,12 Kb)
txt 00_country_effects_loc.txt (5,94 Kb)
txt 00_culture_effects.txt (291 b)
txt 00_diplomatic_play_effects_loc.txt (1,2 Kb)
txt 00_journal_effects_loc.txt (263 b)
txt 00_market_effects_loc.txt (104 b)
txt 00_military_effects_loc.txt (112 b)
txt 00_misc_effects_loc.txt (702 b)
txt 00_parties_effects_loc.txt (68 b)
txt 00_politics_effects_loc.txt (1,58 Kb)
txt 00_pop_effects_loc.txt (563 b)
txt 00_state_region_effects_loc.txt (1,85 Kb)
txt 00_strategic_region_effects_loc.txt (3 b)
txt 00_tutorial_effects_loc.txt (63 b)
ethnicities (19 файлов)
txt 00_ethnicities_templates.txt (32,74 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_african.txt (19,25 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_arab.txt (6,8 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_asian.txt (16,73 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_caucasian.txt (11,58 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_central_african.txt (22,48 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_central_asian.txt (16,76 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_circumpolar.txt (16,27 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_debug.txt (73,4 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_default_morphs.txt (1,34 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_east_african.txt (22,47 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_indian.txt (21,45 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_native_american.txt (11,23 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_neutral.txt (14,3 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_north_caucasian.txt (6,81 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_polynesian.txt (16,67 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_slavic.txt (22,71 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_south_american.txt (24,68 Kb)
txt 01_ethnicities_south_east_asian.txt (20,74 Kb)
flag_definitions (2 файла)
txt 00_flag_definitions.txt (159,96 Kb)
txt 01_flag_definitions_usa.txt (31,1 Kb)
game_concepts (1 файл)
txt 00_game_concepts.txt (20,4 Kb)
game_rules (2 файла)
txt 00_game_rules.txt (2,64 Kb)
file _game_rules.info (1,24 Kb)
genes (9 файлов)
txt 00_genes_color.txt (281 b)
txt 01_genes_morph.txt (254,15 Kb)
txt 02_genes_accessories_hairstyles.txt (6,75 Kb)
txt 03_genes_accessories_beards.txt (6,87 Kb)
txt 04_genes_accessories_misc.txt (6,48 Kb)
txt 97_genes_accessories_clothes.txt (23,77 Kb)
txt 98_genes_accessories_headgear.txt (8,63 Kb)
txt 99_genes_special.txt (3,34 Kb)
file _genes.info (901 b)
goods (1 файл)
txt 00_goods.txt (9,16 Kb)
government_types (6 файлов)
txt 00_chiefdoms.txt (406 b)
txt 01_monarchies.txt (18,99 Kb)
txt 02_presidential_republics.txt (4,81 Kb)
txt 03_parliamentary_republics.txt (1,1 Kb)
txt 04_theocracies.txt (3,78 Kb)
txt 05_council_republics.txt (1,71 Kb)
history (14 файлов)
ai (2 файла)
txt 00_secret_goals.txt (5,88 Kb)
txt 00_strategy.txt (4,94 Kb)
buildings (15 файлов)
txt 00_west_europe.txt (124,45 Kb)
txt 01_south_europe.txt (73,21 Kb)
txt 02_east_europe.txt (40,7 Kb)
txt 03_north_africa.txt (22,45 Kb)
txt 04_subsaharan_africa.txt (38,56 Kb)
txt 05_north_america.txt (56,85 Kb)
txt 06_central_america.txt (12,56 Kb)
txt 07_south_america.txt (44,6 Kb)
txt 08_middle_east.txt (32,5 Kb)
txt 09_central_asia.txt (19,06 Kb)
txt 10_india.txt (37,18 Kb)
txt 11_east_asia.txt (70,77 Kb)
txt 12_indonesia.txt (27,26 Kb)
txt 13_australasia.txt (3,33 Kb)
txt 14_siberia.txt (1,55 Kb)
characters (182 файла)
txt abu - abu dhabi.txt (1,47 Kb)
txt ace - aceh.txt (711 b)
txt afg - afghanistan.txt (732 b)
txt ald - algeria.txt (319 b)
txt anh - anhalt.txt (720 b)
txt ank - ankole.txt (304 b)
txt arg - argentina.txt (721 b)
txt ash - ashanti.txt (361 b)
txt aus - austria.txt (4,27 Kb)
txt awa - awadh.txt (627 b)
txt bad - baden.txt (1,21 Kb)
txt bal - bali.txt (723 b)
txt bav - bavaria.txt (1,43 Kb)
txt bel - belgium.txt (1,45 Kb)
txt ber - baroda.txt (716 b)
txt bgi - bagirmi.txt (296 b)
txt bgm - begemder.txt (846 b)
txt bhn - bahrain.txt (348 b)
txt bho - bhopal.txt (996 b)
txt bhu - bhutan.txt (342 b)
txt bic - britishindia.txt (2,04 Kb)
txt bik - bikaner.txt (599 b)
txt blg - bulungan.txt (773 b)
txt bnj - banjar.txt (834 b)
txt bol - bolivia.txt (482 b)
txt bra - brunswick.txt (345 b)
txt bre - bremen.txt (374 b)
txt bru - brunei.txt (628 b)
txt brz - brazil.txt (3,3 Kb)
txt btn - buton.txt (691 b)
txt buk - bukhara.txt (636 b)
txt bun - bundelkhand.txt (908 b)
txt bur - burma.txt (557 b)
txt cam - cambodia.txt (610 b)
txt chc - chechnya.txt (658 b)
txt chi - china.txt (6,01 Kb)
txt chl - chile.txt (322 b)
txt chp - champasak.txt (587 b)
txt cir - circassia.txt (859 b)
txt clm - colombia.txt (382 b)
txt cob - saxe-coburg-gotha.txt (538 b)
txt cub - cuba.txt (333 b)
txt dai - dai nam.txt (557 b)
txt dei - dutch east indies.txt (322 b)
txt den - denmark.txt (1,11 Kb)
txt ecu - ecuador.txt (326 b)
txt egy - egypt.txt (2,26 Kb)
txt fra - france.txt (2,82 Kb)
txt frm - frankfurt.txt (434 b)
txt gbr - great britain.txt (5,04 Kb)
txt gjm - gojjam.txt (585 b)
txt gld - geledi.txt (451 b)
txt gre - greece.txt (954 b)
txt gwa - gwalior.txt (637 b)
txt hai - haiti.txt (334 b)
txt ham - hamburg.txt (346 b)
txt har - harar.txt (793 b)
txt haw - hawaii.txt (852 b)
txt hbc - hudson bay company.txt (324 b)
txt hdj - hedjaz.txt (666 b)
txt hek - hesse-kassel.txt (591 b)
txt hes - hesse.txt (793 b)
txt hoh - hohenzollern.txt (528 b)
txt hyd - hyderabad.txt (617 b)
txt ind - indore.txt (589 b)
txt ion - ionian islands.txt (458 b)
txt isq - isaaq.txt (402 b)
txt jab - jabal shammar.txt (666 b)
txt jai - jaipur.txt (368 b)
txt jap - japan.txt (2,44 Kb)
txt jas - jaisalmer.txt (695 b)
txt jmb - jambi.txt (697 b)
txt jod - jodhpur.txt (585 b)
txt joh - johore.txt (618 b)
txt kal - kalat.txt (1,16 Kb)
txt kat - kathiri.txt (337 b)
txt khi - khiva.txt (598 b)
txt kok - kokand.txt (697 b)
txt kon - kongo.txt (310 b)
txt kor - korea.txt (2,15 Kb)
txt kra - krakow.txt (409 b)
txt kti - kutai.txt (373 b)
txt kut - kutch.txt (340 b)
txt lah - lahej.txt (335 b)
txt lan - lanfang.txt (321 b)
txt lip - lippe.txt (512 b)
txt lua - luang prabang.txt (571 b)
txt lub - lubeck.txt (408 b)
txt luc - lucca.txt (574 b)
txt mad - madagascar.txt (389 b)
txt mah - mahra.txt (325 b)
txt mec - mecklenburg.txt (780 b)
txt mei - saxe-meiningen.txt (534 b)
txt mew - mewar.txt (579 b)
txt mex - mexico.txt (4,03 Kb)
txt mgd - maguindanao.txt (757 b)
txt mjt - majerteen.txt (378 b)
txt mkt - miskito.txt (534 b)
txt mod - modena.txt (602 b)
txt mol - moldavia.txt (371 b)
txt mon - montenegro.txt (810 b)
txt mor - morocco.txt (560 b)
txt mst - mecklenburg-strelitz.txt (551 b)
txt mys - mysore.txt (416 b)
txt nag - nagpur.txt (362 b)
txt nas - nassau.txt (757 b)
txt nbs - new brunswick.txt (465 b)
txt nej - nejd.txt (718 b)
txt nep - nepal.txt (596 b)
txt net - netherlands.txt (1,52 Kb)
txt nor - norway.txt (595 b)
txt nto - ngati toa.txt (364 b)
txt nvs - nova scotia.txt (366 b)
txt nzp - nimiipuu.txt (384 b)
txt old - oldenburg.txt (651 b)
txt oma - oman.txt (674 b)
txt ont - ontario.txt (1,16 Kb)
txt ora - oranje.txt (358 b)
txt org - oregon.txt (1,83 Kb)
txt ori - orissa.txt (861 b)
txt pan - punjab.txt (1,62 Kb)
txt pap - papacy.txt (1,21 Kb)
txt par - parma.txt (603 b)
txt per - persia.txt (830 b)
txt peu - peru.txt (517 b)
txt phi - philippines.txt (410 b)
txt pni - piratini.txt (623 b)
txt pon - pontianak.txt (681 b)
txt por - portugal.txt (962 b)
txt pra - gao-para.txt (322 b)
txt prg - paraguay.txt (342 b)
txt prk - perak.txt (791 b)
txt pru - prussia.txt (4,19 Kb)
txt que - quebec.txt (659 b)
txt rus - russia.txt (6,75 Kb)
txt saf - south africa.txt (301 b)
txt sak - siak.txt (787 b)
txt sar - sardinia-piedmont.txt (2,33 Kb)
txt sas - south australia.txt (328 b)
txt sax - saxony.txt (1,14 Kb)
txt scm - schaumburg-lippe.txt (538 b)
txt scw - schwarzburg.txt (305 b)
txt sel - selangor.txt (667 b)
txt ser - serbia.txt (832 b)
txt shw - shewa.txt (586 b)
txt sia - siam.txt (566 b)
txt sic - two sicilies.txt (1,95 Kb)
txt sik - sikkim.txt (581 b)
txt sil - sierra leone.txt (332 b)
txt sin - sindh.txt (386 b)
txt slw - sulawesi.txt (725 b)
txt smb - sambas.txt (694 b)
txt sok - sokoto.txt (784 b)
txt spa - spain.txt (2,26 Kb)
txt srk - surakarta.txt (595 b)
txt stg - sintang.txt (764 b)
txt sul - sulu.txt (708 b)
txt swe - sweden.txt (4,26 Kb)
txt swi - switzerland.txt (969 b)
txt tas - tasmania.txt (362 b)
txt tex - texas.txt (1,31 Kb)
txt tib - tibet.txt (295 b)
txt tid - tidore.txt (741 b)
txt tra - travancore.txt (607 b)
txt tri - tripoli.txt (407 b)
txt trn - transvaal.txt (297 b)
txt tun - tunis.txt (583 b)
txt tur - ottomans.txt (4,34 Kb)
txt tus - tuscany.txt (649 b)
txt uca - central america.txt (340 b)
txt uru - uruguay.txt (272 b)
txt usa - america.txt (3,35 Kb)
txt vnz - venezuela.txt (334 b)
txt wad - wadai.txt (544 b)
txt wal - wallachia.txt (374 b)
txt was - western australia.txt (336 b)
txt wei - saxe-weimar.txt (568 b)
txt wld - waldeck.txt (544 b)
txt wur - wurttemberg.txt (1,22 Kb)
txt yog - yogyakarta.txt (629 b)
txt zai - zaidi.txt (647 b)
txt zul - zulu.txt (452 b)
conscription (1 файл)
txt 00_conscription_center.txt (2,1 Kb)
countries (313 файлов)
txt abs - absaroka.txt (164 b)
txt abu - abu dhabi.txt (239 b)
txt ace - aceh.txt (303 b)
txt ach - acholi.txt (211 b)
txt adg - adagh.txt (205 b)
txt afg - afghanistan.txt (304 b)
txt ahg - ahaggar.txt (205 b)
txt ain - ainu.txt (165 b)
txt air - air.txt (205 b)
txt ald - aldjazair.txt (650 b)
txt anh - anhalt.txt (201 b)
txt ank - ankole.txt (484 b)
txt apc - apache.txt (392 b)
txt arg - argentina.txt (1,42 Kb)
txt arp - arapaho.txt (392 b)
txt ash - ashanti.txt (213 b)
txt aus - austria.txt (1,38 Kb)
txt awa - awadh.txt (279 b)
txt aws - aussa.txt (244 b)
txt ayi - anyi.txt (205 b)
txt bad - baden.txt (365 b)
txt bal - bali.txt (305 b)
txt bas - bastar.txt (361 b)
txt bav - bavaria.txt (359 b)
txt bel - belgium.txt (934 b)
txt ben - benin.txt (220 b)
txt ber - beroda.txt (360 b)
txt bgi - bagirmi.txt (287 b)
txt bgm - begemder.txt (284 b)
txt bhn - bahrain.txt (239 b)
txt bho - bhopal.txt (280 b)
txt bhu - bhutan.txt (730 b)
txt bic - british east india company.txt (1 Kb)
txt bik - bikaner.txt (361 b)
txt bla - bilua.txt (162 b)
txt ble - baule.txt (205 b)
txt blf - blackfoot.txt (165 b)
txt blg - bulungan.txt (306 b)
txt bmb - bemba.txt (204 b)
txt bnd - bundu.txt (205 b)
txt bng - bangala.txt (204 b)
txt bnj - banjar.txt (304 b)
txt bny - bunyoro.txt (212 b)
txt bob - bobangi.txt (204 b)
txt bol - bolivia.txt (1,01 Kb)
txt bor - bornu.txt (287 b)
txt bra - braunschweig.txt (299 b)
txt brd - burundi.txt (212 b)
txt bre - bremen.txt (426 b)
txt brn - borana.txt (391 b)
txt bru - brunei.txt (305 b)
txt brz - brazil.txt (1,11 Kb)
txt bst - basuto.txt (204 b)
txt btn - buton.txt (305 b)
txt bug - buganda.txt (212 b)
txt buk - bukkhara.txt (303 b)
txt bun - bundelkhand.txt (363 b)
txt bur - burma.txt (484 b)
txt cam - cambodia.txt (387 b)
txt cay - cayor.txt (205 b)
txt chc - chechnya.txt (436 b)
txt chi - china.txt (1,28 Kb)
txt chk - chokwe.txt (204 b)
txt chl - chile.txt (1,38 Kb)
txt chp - champassak.txt (386 b)
txt cir - circassia.txt (489 b)
txt clm - colombia.txt (1,16 Kb)
txt cmi - chiang mai.txt (386 b)
txt cob - saxe-coburg-gotha.txt (300 b)
txt com - comanche.txt (163 b)
txt cub - cuba.txt (893 b)
txt dah - dahomey.txt (220 b)
txt dai - dai viet.txt (385 b)
txt dak - dar al kuti.txt (205 b)
txt dei - dutch east indies company.txt (796 b)
txt den - denmark.txt (1,36 Kb)
txt dfr - darfur.txt (284 b)
txt dft - dar fertit.txt (205 b)
txt dla - duala.txt (205 b)
txt dnk - dinka.txt (205 b)
txt ecu - ecuador.txt (1,12 Kb)
txt egy - egypt.txt (726 b)
txt ewe - ewe.txt (207 b)
txt fin - finland.txt (758 b)
txt fji - fiji.txt (162 b)
txt fng - fang.txt (206 b)
txt fra - france.txt (1,69 Kb)
txt frm - frankfurt am main.txt (627 b)
txt ftj - futa jallon.txt (287 b)
txt ftr - futa toro.txt (288 b)
txt gbr - great britain.txt (1,74 Kb)
txt ggo - gogo.txt (205 b)
txt gjm - gojjam.txt (391 b)
txt gld - geledi.txt (336 b)
txt gni - guarani.txt (163 b)
txt gre - greece.txt (532 b)
txt gwa - gwalior.txt (363 b)
txt hai - haiti.txt (724 b)
txt ham - hamburg.txt (425 b)
txt han - hannover.txt (714 b)
txt har - harar.txt (285 b)
txt hau - hausa.txt (286 b)
txt haw - hawaii.txt (1,16 Kb)
txt hbc - hudson bay company.txt (896 b)
txt hdj - hedjaz.txt (241 b)
txt hek - hesse-kassel.txt (303 b)
txt hes - hesse.txt (303 b)
txt hhe - hehe.txt (205 b)
txt hla - halia.txt (163 b)
txt hmb - hemba.txt (206 b)
txt hoh - hohenzollern.txt (301 b)
txt hol - holstein.txt (204 b)
txt hro - herero.txt (206 b)
txt hyd - hyderabad.txt (308 b)
txt ibo - ibo.txt (207 b)
txt ind - indore.txt (359 b)
txt ion - ionian islands.txt (683 b)
txt irc - iron confederacy.txt (163 b)
txt isq - isaaq.txt (293 b)
txt jab - jabal shammar.txt (241 b)
txt jai - jaipur.txt (363 b)
txt jap - japan.txt (1,31 Kb)
txt jas - jaisalmer.txt (363 b)
txt jlf - jolof.txt (206 b)
txt jmb - jambi.txt (305 b)
txt jod - jodhpur.txt (363 b)
txt joh - johore.txt (302 b)
txt kal - kalat.txt (307 b)
txt kat - kathiri.txt (304 b)
txt kaz - kazakhstan.txt (167 b)
txt kba - kuba.txt (206 b)
txt kbd - kabadougou.txt (207 b)
txt kbu - kaabu.txt (205 b)
txt kfa - kaffa.txt (288 b)
txt khi - khiva.txt (307 b)
txt kky - kikuyu.txt (207 b)
txt kng - kong.txt (206 b)
txt knk - kanak.txt (163 b)
txt kok - kokand.txt (307 b)
txt kon - kongo.txt (288 b)
txt kor - korea.txt (386 b)
txt kra - krakow.txt (810 b)
txt krg - karangwe.txt (214 b)
txt krt - kaarta.txt (214 b)
txt kru - kru.txt (206 b)
txt ksn - kasanje.txt (205 b)
txt kti - kutai.txt (307 b)
txt kut - kutch.txt (363 b)
txt kzm - kazembe.txt (204 b)
txt lah - lahej.txt (238 b)
txt lan - lanfang.txt (755 b)
txt lba - luba.txt (204 b)
txt lga - lega.txt (204 b)
txt lib - liberia.txt (541 b)
txt lip - lippe.txt (295 b)
txt lkt - lakota.txt (163 b)
txt lnd - lunda.txt (204 b)
txt lng - loango.txt (204 b)
txt lua - luang prabang.txt (387 b)
txt lub - lubeck.txt (424 b)
txt luc - lucca.txt (199 b)
txt luo - luo.txt (205 b)
txt lux - luxemburg.txt (199 b)
txt lzo - barotse.txt (206 b)
txt mad - madagascar.txt (270 b)
txt mah - mahra.txt (304 b)
txt mak - makran.txt (304 b)
txt mcr - micronesia.txt (162 b)
txt mdk - mandinka.txt (212 b)
txt mec - mecklenburg.txt (756 b)
txt mei - saxe-meiningen.txt (300 b)
txt mew - mewar.txt (322 b)
txt mex - mexico.txt (1,2 Kb)
txt mgd - maguindanao.txt (305 b)
txt mjt - majerteen.txt (445 b)
txt mkt - miskitia.txt (788 b)
txt mnb - mangbetu.txt (205 b)
txt mnc - manica.txt (206 b)
txt mod - modena.txt (199 b)
txt mol - moldavia.txt (329 b)
txt mon - montenegro.txt (616 b)
txt mor - morocco.txt (509 b)
txt mos - mossi.txt (205 b)
txt msh - mashona.txt (205 b)
txt msi - masai.txt (207 b)
txt msk - maseko.txt (206 b)
txt msn - massina.txt (286 b)
txt mst - mecklenburg-strelitz.txt (300 b)
txt mtb - matabele.txt (204 b)
txt mys - mysore.txt (346 b)
txt nag - nagpur.txt (358 b)
txt nam - nama.txt (206 b)
txt nas - nassau.txt (348 b)
txt nbs - new brunswick.txt (871 b)
txt nej - nejd.txt (241 b)
txt nep - nepal.txt (477 b)
txt net - netherlands.txt (1,05 Kb)
txt nng - noongar.txt (164 b)
txt nor - norway.txt (1,04 Kb)
txt nru - nauru.txt (235 b)
txt nsw - new south wales.txt (870 b)
txt nto - ngati toa.txt (163 b)
txt ntu - ngai tahu.txt (162 b)
txt nue - nuer.txt (206 b)
txt nvj - navajo.txt (399 b)
txt nvs - nova scotia.txt (871 b)
txt nym - nyamwezi.txt (391 b)
txt nzp - nez perce.txt (350 b)
txt old - oldenburg.txt (203 b)
txt oma - oman.txt (709 b)
txt ont - ontario.txt (918 b)
txt ora - oranje.txt (724 b)
txt org - oregon.txt (443 b)
txt ori - orissa.txt (369 b)
txt oua - oualata.txt (205 b)
txt ovm - ovimbundu.txt (206 b)
txt oyo - oyo.txt (221 b)
txt pan - panjab.txt (587 b)
txt pap - papal states.txt (1,16 Kb)
txt par - parma.txt (199 b)
txt pat - patagonia.txt (163 b)
txt per - persia.txt (802 b)
txt peu - peru.txt (1,13 Kb)
txt phi - philippines.txt (784 b)
txt ply - tahiti.txt (305 b)
txt pni - piratini.txt (879 b)
txt pon - pontianak.txt (303 b)
txt por - portugal.txt (874 b)
txt ppu - papua.txt (163 b)
txt pra - grao para.txt (702 b)
txt prg - paraguay.txt (937 b)
txt prk - perak.txt (306 b)
txt pru - prussia.txt (1,42 Kb)
txt pwn - pawnee.txt (164 b)
txt que - quebec.txt (981 b)
txt rus - russia.txt (1,13 Kb)
txt rwd - rwanda.txt (214 b)
txt saf - south africa.txt (677 b)
txt sah - sahrawi.txt (206 b)
txt sak - siak.txt (303 b)
txt sar - sardinia.txt (520 b)
txt sas - south australia.txt (843 b)
txt sax - saxony.txt (332 b)
txt sch - schleswig.txt (204 b)
txt scm - schaumburg-lippe.txt (298 b)
txt scw - schwarzburg.txt (300 b)
txt sdm - sidamo.txt (285 b)
txt sel - selangor.txt (305 b)
txt seq - indian territory.txt (689 b)
txt ser - serbia.txt (287 b)
txt sgu - segou.txt (214 b)
txt shw - shewa.txt (484 b)
txt sia - siam.txt (430 b)
txt sic - two sicilies.txt (264 b)
txt sik - sikkim.txt (344 b)
txt sil - sierra leone.txt (467 b)
txt sin - sind.txt (492 b)
txt skh - sakhalin.txt (163 b)
txt slk - selknam.txt (163 b)
txt slw - sulawesi.txt (163 b)
txt smb - sambas.txt (303 b)
txt sng - sangu.txt (207 b)
txt sok - sokoto.txt (478 b)
txt spa - spain.txt (1,39 Kb)
txt srk - surakarta.txt (303 b)
txt srr - serer.txt (206 b)
txt ssu - susu.txt (207 b)
txt stg - sintang.txt (302 b)
txt sul - sulu.txt (336 b)
txt swe - sweden.txt (1,23 Kb)
txt swi - switzerland.txt (978 b)
txt tas - tasmania.txt (841 b)
txt tbi - tibesti.txt (205 b)
txt tex - texas.txt (1 Kb)
txt tgr - tigray.txt (540 b)
txt thl - tehuelche.txt (163 b)
txt tib - tibet.txt (627 b)
txt tid - tidore.txt (303 b)
txt tke - teke.txt (204 b)
txt tng - tonga.txt (163 b)
txt tps - toposa.txt (206 b)
txt tra - travancore.txt (362 b)
txt tri - tripoli.txt (241 b)
txt trk - turkana.txt (207 b)
txt trn - transvaal.txt (716 b)
txt trz - trarza.txt (205 b)
txt tsw - botswana.txt (205 b)
txt tua - tuat.txt (205 b)
txt tun - tunis.txt (238 b)
txt tur - ottoman empire.txt (1,09 Kb)
txt tus - tuscany.txt (358 b)
txt uca - central america.txt (1,08 Kb)
txt unt - united tribes.txt (625 b)
txt uru - uruguay.txt (1,12 Kb)
txt usa - usa.txt (1,71 Kb)
txt ute - ute.txt (165 b)
txt vnt - vanuatu.txt (163 b)
txt vnz - venezuela.txt (1,12 Kb)
txt wad - wadai.txt (286 b)
txt wal - wallachia.txt (329 b)
txt was - western australia.txt (843 b)
txt wbl - waterboersland.txt (204 b)
txt wei - saxe-weimar.txt (300 b)
txt wld - waldeck.txt (295 b)
txt wlg - welega.txt (391 b)
txt wlo - wello.txt (391 b)
txt wsg - warsangali.txt (293 b)
txt wur - wurttemberg.txt (337 b)
txt yka - yaka.txt (204 b)
txt yog - yogyakarta.txt (303 b)
txt zai - zaidi.txt (278 b)
txt znd - zande.txt (207 b)
txt zul - zulu.txt (427 b)
diplomacy (8 файлов)
txt 00_customs_union.txt (2,04 Kb)
txt 00_defensive_pacts.txt (111 b)
txt 00_favors.txt (323 b)
txt 00_relations.txt (9,75 Kb)
txt 00_rivalries.txt (788 b)
txt 00_subject_relationships.txt (5,45 Kb)
txt 00_trade_agreement.txt (379 b)
txt 00_truces.txt (440 b)
diplomatic_plays (2 файла)
txt 00_south_american_wars.txt (627 b)
txt 00_texan_war_of_independence.txt (334 b)
global (1 файл)
txt 00_global.txt (4,77 Kb)
interests (1 файл)
txt 00_interests.txt (3,94 Kb)
pops (16 файлов)
txt 00_west_europe.txt (22,78 Kb)
txt 01_south_europe.txt (13,67 Kb)
txt 02_east_europe.txt (17,29 Kb)
txt 03_north_africa.txt (15,08 Kb)
txt 04_subsaharan_africa.txt (42,79 Kb)
txt 05_north_america.txt (28,87 Kb)
txt 06_central_america.txt (4,05 Kb)
txt 07_south_america.txt (19,84 Kb)
txt 08_middle_east.txt (23,09 Kb)
txt 09_central_asia.txt (11,4 Kb)
txt 100_pops_example.txt (1,61 Kb)
txt 10_india.txt (19,26 Kb)
txt 11_east_asia.txt (21,05 Kb)
txt 12_indonesia.txt (18,69 Kb)
txt 13_australasia.txt (2,06 Kb)
txt 14_siberia.txt (3,43 Kb)
population (304 файла)
txt abs - absaroka.txt (119 b)
txt abu - abu dhabi.txt (121 b)
txt ace - aceh.txt (121 b)
txt ach - acholi.txt (122 b)
txt adg - adagh.txt (122 b)
txt afg - afghanistan.txt (121 b)
txt ahg - ahaggar.txt (122 b)
txt ain - ainu.txt (122 b)
txt air - air.txt (122 b)
txt ald - aldjazair.txt (121 b)
txt anh - anhalt.txt (121 b)
txt ank - ankole.txt (122 b)
txt apc - apache.txt (119 b)
txt arg - argentina.txt (133 b)
txt arp - arapaho.txt (119 b)
txt ash - ashanti.txt (122 b)
txt aus - austria.txt (122 b)
txt awa - awadh.txt (124 b)
txt aws - aussa.txt (122 b)
txt ayi -anyi.txt (122 b)
txt bad - baden.txt (121 b)
txt bal - bali.txt (121 b)
txt bas - bastar.txt (124 b)
txt bav - bavaria.txt (121 b)
txt bel - belgium.txt (115 b)
txt ben - benin.txt (122 b)
txt ber - beroda.txt (124 b)
txt bgi - bagirmi.txt (122 b)
txt bgm - begemder.txt (122 b)
txt bhn - bahrain.txt (121 b)
txt bho - bhopal.txt (124 b)
txt bhu - bhutan.txt (124 b)
txt bic - british east india company.txt (120 b)
txt bik - bikaner.txt (124 b)
txt bla - bilua.txt (122 b)
txt ble - baule.txt (122 b)
txt blf - blackfoot.txt (119 b)
txt blg - bulungan.txt (122 b)
txt bmb - bemba.txt (121 b)
txt bnd - bundu.txt (122 b)
txt bng - bangala.txt (121 b)
txt bnj - banjar.txt (121 b)
txt bny - bunyoro.txt (122 b)
txt bob - bobangi.txt (121 b)
txt bol - bolivia.txt (132 b)
txt bor - bornu.txt (122 b)
txt bra - braunschweig.txt (121 b)
txt brd - burundi.txt (122 b)
txt bre - bremen.txt (128 b)
txt brn - borana.txt (122 b)
txt bru - brunei.txt (121 b)
txt brz - brazil.txt (122 b)
txt bst - basuto.txt (121 b)
txt btn - buton.txt (121 b)
txt bug - buganda.txt (122 b)
txt buk - bukkhara.txt (121 b)
txt bun - bundelkhand.txt (124 b)
txt bur - burma.txt (121 b)
txt cam - cambodia.txt (121 b)
txt cay - cayor.txt (122 b)
txt chc - chechnya.txt (121 b)
txt chi - china.txt (125 b)
txt chk - chokwe.txt (121 b)
txt chl - chile.txt (121 b)
txt chp - champassak.txt (121 b)
txt cir - circassia.txt (121 b)
txt clm - colombia.txt (121 b)
txt cmi - chiang mai.txt (121 b)
txt cob - saxe-coburg-gotha.txt (121 b)
txt com - comanche.txt (119 b)
txt cub - cuba.txt (117 b)
txt dah - dahomey.txt (122 b)
txt dai - dai viet.txt (121 b)
txt dak - dar al kuti.txt (122 b)
txt dei - dutch east indies.txt (121 b)
txt den - denmark.txt (126 b)
txt dfr - darfur.txt (122 b)
txt dft - dar fertit.txt (122 b)
txt dla - duala.txt (122 b)
txt dnk - dinka.txt (122 b)
txt ecu - ecuador.txt (121 b)
txt egy - egypt.txt (121 b)
txt ewe - ewe.txt (122 b)
txt fin - finland.txt (132 b)
txt fji - fiji.txt (122 b)
txt fng - fang.txt (121 b)
txt fra - france.txt (119 b)
txt frm - frankfurt am main.txt (127 b)
txt ftj - futa jallon.txt (121 b)
txt ftr - futa toro.txt (122 b)
txt gbr - great britain.txt (120 b)
txt ggo - gogo.txt (122 b)
txt gjm - gojjam.txt (122 b)
txt gld - geledi.txt (122 b)
txt gre - greece.txt (117 b)
txt gwa - gwalior.txt (124 b)
txt hai - haiti.txt (127 b)
txt ham - hamburg.txt (128 b)
txt han - hannover.txt (133 b)
txt har - harar.txt (122 b)
txt hau - hausa.txt (122 b)
txt haw - hawaii.txt (121 b)
txt hbc - hudson bay company.txt (119 b)
txt hdj - hedjaz.txt (121 b)
txt hek - hesse-kassel.txt (121 b)
txt hes - hesse.txt (121 b)
txt hhe - hehe.txt (121 b)
txt hla - halia.txt (122 b)
txt hmb - hemba.txt (121 b)
txt hoh - hohenzollern.txt (121 b)
txt hol - holstein.txt (121 b)
txt hro - herero.txt (121 b)
txt hyd - hyderabad.txt (121 b)
txt ibo - ibo.txt (122 b)
txt ind - indore.txt (124 b)
txt ion - ionian islands.txt (126 b)
txt irc - iron confederacy.txt (119 b)
txt isq - isaaq.txt (122 b)
txt jab - jabal shammar.txt (121 b)
txt jai - jaipur.txt (124 b)
txt jap - japan.txt (124 b)
txt jas - jaisalmer.txt (124 b)
txt jlf - jolof.txt (122 b)
txt jmb - jambi.txt (121 b)
txt jod - jodhpur.txt (124 b)
txt joh - johore.txt (121 b)
txt kal - kalat.txt (121 b)
txt kat - kathiri.txt (121 b)
txt kaz - kazakhstan.txt (121 b)
txt kba - kuba.txt (121 b)
txt kbd - kabadougou.txt (122 b)
txt kbu - kaabu.txt (122 b)
txt kfa - kaffa.txt (122 b)
txt khi - khiva.txt (121 b)
txt kky - kikuyu.txt (122 b)
txt kng - kong.txt (122 b)
txt knk - kanak.txt (122 b)
txt kok - kokand.txt (121 b)
txt kon - kongo.txt (121 b)
txt kor - korea.txt (116 b)
txt kra - krakow.txt (141 b)
txt krg - karangwe.txt (122 b)
txt krt - kaarta.txt (122 b)
txt kru - kru.txt (122 b)
txt ksn - kasanje.txt (121 b)
txt kti - kutai.txt (122 b)
txt kut - kutch.txt (124 b)
txt kzm - kazembe.txt (121 b)
txt lah - lahej.txt (121 b)
txt lan - lanfang.txt (139 b)
txt lba - luba.txt (121 b)
txt lga - lega.txt (121 b)
txt lib - liberia.txt (124 b)
txt lip - lippe.txt (121 b)
txt lkt - lakota.txt (119 b)
txt lnd - lunda.txt (121 b)
txt lng - loango.txt (121 b)
txt lua - luang prabang.txt (116 b)
txt lub - lubeck.txt (127 b)
txt luc - lucca.txt (120 b)
txt luo - luo.txt (122 b)
txt lux - luxemburg.txt (120 b)
txt lzo - barotse.txt (121 b)
txt mad - madagascar.txt (118 b)
txt mah - mahra.txt (121 b)
txt mak - makran.txt (121 b)
txt mcr - micronesia.txt (122 b)
txt mdk - mandinka.txt (122 b)
txt mec - mecklenburg.txt (121 b)
txt mei - saxe-meiningen.txt (121 b)
txt mew - mewar.txt (121 b)
txt mex - mexico.txt (116 b)
txt mgd - maguindanao.txt (121 b)
txt mjt - majerteen.txt (122 b)
txt mnb - mangbetu.txt (121 b)
txt mnc - manica.txt (121 b)
txt mod - modena.txt (120 b)
txt mol - moldavia.txt (127 b)
txt mon - montenegro.txt (122 b)
txt mor - morocco.txt (121 b)
txt mos - mossi.txt (122 b)
txt msh - mashona.txt (121 b)
txt msi - masai.txt (122 b)
txt msk - maseko.txt (121 b)
txt msn - massina.txt (122 b)
txt mst - mecklenburg-strelitz.txt (121 b)
txt mtb - matabele.txt (121 b)
txt mys - mysore.txt (124 b)
txt nag - nagpur.txt (124 b)
txt nam - nama.txt (121 b)
txt nas - nassau.txt (121 b)
txt nbs - new brunswick.txt (116 b)
txt nej - nejd.txt (121 b)
txt nep - nepal.txt (124 b)
txt net - netherlands.txt (136 b)
txt nor - norway.txt (140 b)
txt nru - nauru.txt (122 b)
txt nsw - new south wales.txt (120 b)
txt nto - ngati toa.txt (122 b)
txt ntu - ngai tahu.txt (122 b)
txt nue - nuer.txt (122 b)
txt nvj - navajo.txt (119 b)
txt nvs - nova scotia.txt (116 b)
txt nym - nyamwezi.txt (121 b)
txt nzp - nez perce.txt (119 b)
txt old - oldenburg.txt (121 b)
txt oma - oman.txt (121 b)
txt ont - ontario.txt (118 b)
txt ora - oranje.txt (133 b)
txt org - oregon.txt (121 b)
txt ori - orissa.txt (124 b)
txt oua - oualata.txt (122 b)
txt ovm - ovimbundu.txt (121 b)
txt oyo - oyo.txt (122 b)
txt pan - panjab.txt (124 b)
txt pap - papal states.txt (138 b)
txt par - parma.txt (120 b)
txt pat - patagonia.txt (119 b)
txt per - persia.txt (116 b)
txt peu - peru.txt (133 b)
txt phi - philippines.txt (124 b)
txt pni - piratini.txt (122 b)
txt pon - pontianak.txt (121 b)
txt por - portugal.txt (116 b)
txt ppu - papua.txt (122 b)
txt pra - gao para.txt (122 b)
txt prg - paraguay.txt (130 b)
txt prk - perak.txt (124 b)
txt pru - prussia.txt (122 b)
txt pwn - pawnee.txt (119 b)
txt que - quebec.txt (116 b)
txt rus - russia.txt (141 b)
txt rwd - rwanda.txt (122 b)
txt saf - south africa.txt (119 b)
txt sah - sahrawi.txt (122 b)
txt sak - siak.txt (121 b)
txt sar - sardinia.txt (120 b)
txt sas - south australia.txt (120 b)
txt sax - saxony.txt (121 b)
txt scm - schaumburg-lippe.txt (121 b)
txt scw - schwarburg.txt (121 b)
txt sdm - sidamo.txt (122 b)
txt sel - selangor.txt (119 b)
txt seq - indian territory.txt (113 b)
txt ser - serbia.txt (122 b)
txt sgu - segou.txt (122 b)
txt shw - shewa.txt (122 b)
txt sia - siam.txt (121 b)
txt sic - two sicilies.txt (160 b)
txt sik - sikkim.txt (124 b)
txt sil - sierra leone.txt (121 b)
txt sin - sind.txt (124 b)
txt skh - sakhalin.txt (122 b)
txt slk - selknam.txt (119 b)
txt slw - sulawesi.txt (121 b)
txt smb - sambas.txt (121 b)
txt sng - sangu.txt (122 b)
txt sok - sokoto.txt (121 b)
txt spa - spain.txt (236 b)
txt srk - surakarta.txt (122 b)
txt srr - serer.txt (122 b)
txt ssu - susu.txt (122 b)
txt stg - sintang.txt (121 b)
txt sul - sulu.txt (121 b)
txt swe - sweden.txt (120 b)
txt swi - switzerland.txt (130 b)
txt tas - tasmania.txt (120 b)
txt tbi - tibesti.txt (122 b)
txt tex - texas.txt (141 b)
txt tgr - tigray.txt (122 b)
txt thl - tehuelche.txt (119 b)
txt tib - tibet.txt (133 b)
txt tid - tidore.txt (121 b)
txt tng - tonga.txt (122 b)
txt tps - toposa.txt (122 b)
txt tra - travancore.txt (124 b)
txt tri - tripoli.txt (121 b)
txt trk - turkana.txt (122 b)
txt trn - transvaal.txt (133 b)
txt trz - trarza.txt (122 b)
txt tsw - tswana.txt (121 b)
txt tua - tuat.txt (122 b)
txt tun - tunis.txt (121 b)
txt tur - ottoman empire.txt (128 b)
txt tus - tuscany.txt (120 b)
txt uca - central america.txt (121 b)
txt unt - united tribes.txt (121 b)
txt uru - uruguay.txt (136 b)
txt usa - usa.txt (116 b)
txt ute - ute.txt (119 b)
txt vnt - vanuatu.txt (122 b)
txt vnz - venezuela.txt (121 b)
txt wad - wadai.txt (122 b)
txt wal - wallachia.txt (122 b)
txt was - western australia.txt (120 b)
txt wbl - waterboersland.txt (121 b)
txt wei - saxe-weimar.txt (121 b)
txt wsg - warsangali.txt (122 b)
txt wur - wurttemberg.txt (121 b)
txt yka - yaka.txt (121 b)
txt yog - yogyakarta.txt (121 b)
txt zai - zaidi.txt (121 b)
txt znd - zande.txt (122 b)
txt zul - zulu.txt (121 b)
production_methods (1 файл)
txt 00_urban_center.txt (1,05 Kb)
states (1 файл)
txt 00_states.txt (432,13 Kb)
trade_routes (1 файл)
txt 00_trade_routes.txt (27,99 Kb)
ideologies (4 файла)
txt 00_ig_ideologies.txt (15,65 Kb)
txt 00_ig_ideologies_event.txt (765 b)
txt 00_ig_ideologies_flavored.txt (12,22 Kb)
txt 00_leader_ideologies.txt (42,47 Kb)
institutions (2 файла)
txt 00_institutions.txt (1,53 Kb)
file _institutions.info (386 b)
interest_groups (8 файлов)
txt 00_armed_forces.txt (1,81 Kb)
txt 00_devout.txt (3 Kb)
txt 00_industrialists.txt (2,25 Kb)
txt 00_intelligentsia.txt (3,18 Kb)
txt 00_landowners.txt (2,18 Kb)
txt 00_petty_bourgeoisie.txt (2,33 Kb)
txt 00_rural_folk.txt (2,42 Kb)
txt 00_trade_unions.txt (2,98 Kb)
interest_group_traits (8 файлов)
txt 00_armed_forces_traits.txt (710 b)
txt 00_devout_traits.txt (669 b)
txt 00_industrialists_traits.txt (712 b)
txt 00_intelligentsia_traits.txt (657 b)
txt 00_landed_interest_traits.txt (787 b)
txt 00_petty_bourgeoisie_traits.txt (704 b)
txt 00_rural_folk_traits.txt (763 b)
txt 00_trade_unions_traits.txt (686 b)
journal_entries (82 файла)
txt 00_abolish_monarchy.txt (1,74 Kb)
txt 00_amazon.txt (1,04 Kb)
txt 00_antarctica.txt (1,71 Kb)
txt 00_autocracy.txt (1,54 Kb)
txt 00_belle_epoque.txt (2,15 Kb)
txt 00_boxer_rebellion.txt (1,04 Kb)
txt 00_canada_australia.txt (4,19 Kb)
txt 00_canals.txt (2,21 Kb)
txt 00_central_africa.txt (2,71 Kb)
txt 00_communism.txt (5,11 Kb)
txt 00_congo.txt (2,84 Kb)
txt 00_congo_free_state.txt (3,2 Kb)
txt 00_corn_laws.txt (1,33 Kb)
txt 00_dual_monarchy.txt (688 b)
txt 00_east_indies.txt (2,6 Kb)
txt 00_ethiopia.txt (427 b)
txt 00_fascism.txt (5,79 Kb)
txt 00_german_unification.txt (4,27 Kb)
txt 00_greek_nationalism.txt (699 b)
txt 00_italian_unification.txt (1,39 Kb)
txt 00_land_reclamation.txt (1,2 Kb)
txt 00_late_naval_tech.txt (2,66 Kb)
txt 00_liberalism.txt (2,55 Kb)
txt 00_major_railroads.txt (4,4 Kb)
txt 00_manifest_destiny.txt (1,23 Kb)
txt 00_meiji_restoration.txt (3,63 Kb)
txt 00_military_tech_je.txt (3,73 Kb)
txt 00_miltech_era_4_5.txt (1,43 Kb)
txt 00_niger_river.txt (2,71 Kb)
txt 00_ofa_navytech.txt (1,86 Kb)
txt 00_opium.txt (1010 b)
txt 00_opium_wars.txt (2 Kb)
txt 00_patagonia.txt (758 b)
txt 00_peru_bolivia.txt (574 b)
txt 00_plague.txt (2,16 Kb)
txt 00_player_objectives_economic_dominance.txt (5,66 Kb)
txt 00_player_objectives_egalitarian_society.txt (4,15 Kb)
txt 00_player_objectives_hegemon.txt (3,51 Kb)
txt 00_scotland_yard.txt (4,57 Kb)
txt 00_secret_police.txt (387 b)
txt 00_sick_man.txt (6,49 Kb)
txt 00_skyscraper.txt (1,54 Kb)
txt 00_strike_je.txt (2,45 Kb)
txt 00_suffragists.txt (1,27 Kb)
txt 00_technology_production.txt (15,89 Kb)
txt 00_technology_society.txt (3,54 Kb)
txt 00_technology_society_cameras.txt (1,75 Kb)
txt 00_trade_route_event_missions.txt (2,13 Kb)
txt 00_tutorial.txt (26,37 Kb)
txt 00_underground_railway.txt (667 b)
txt 00_veiled_protectorate.txt (1,09 Kb)
txt 00_victoria.txt (1 Kb)
txt 00_war_crimes.txt (1,41 Kb)
txt 00_warlord_china.txt (2,14 Kb)
txt 00_we_live_in_a_society.txt (2,6 Kb)
txt 00_west_america.txt (2,71 Kb)
txt 00_zanzibar.txt (649 b)
txt 01_acw_entries.txt (6,39 Kb)
txt 01_alaska.txt (326 b)
txt 01_assassination.txt (3,97 Kb)
txt 01_central_and_south_america.txt (1,58 Kb)
txt 01_flamethrowers.txt (907 b)
txt 01_grand_exhibition.txt (2,66 Kb)
txt 01_hawaii.txt (1,01 Kb)
txt 01_ig_suppression.txt (1,29 Kb)
txt 01_indian_removal.txt (1,17 Kb)
txt 01_krakatoa.txt (288 b)
txt 01_major_famines.txt (2,47 Kb)
txt 01_nursing.txt (1,01 Kb)
txt 01_oregon.txt (2,2 Kb)
txt 01_peoples_springtime_je.txt (2,75 Kb)
txt 01_prohibition_laws.txt (2,07 Kb)
txt 01_scramble_for_africa.txt (2,26 Kb)
txt 01_sepoy_mutiny.txt (1,38 Kb)
txt 01_slave_owner_paranoia.txt (1,19 Kb)
txt 01_society_je.txt (1,33 Kb)
txt 01_standard_of_living.txt (1,64 Kb)
txt 01_taiping.txt (1,76 Kb)
txt 01_texas.txt (771 b)
txt 01_urbanization.txt (1,79 Kb)
txt 02_society_je.txt (1,06 Kb)
file _journal_entries.info (6,42 Kb)
labels (1 файл)
txt 00_terrain_labels.txt (996 b)
laws (21 файл)
txt 00_army_model.txt (2,1 Kb)
txt 00_bureaucracy.txt (1,26 Kb)
txt 00_childrens_rights.txt (1,63 Kb)
txt 00_church_and_state.txt (2,44 Kb)
txt 00_citizenship.txt (3,6 Kb)
txt 00_colonial_affairs.txt (1,19 Kb)
txt 00_distribution_of_power.txt (6,45 Kb)
txt 00_economic_system.txt (3,64 Kb)
txt 00_education_system.txt (4,62 Kb)
txt 00_free_speech.txt (1,72 Kb)
txt 00_governance_principles.txt (3,6 Kb)
txt 00_health_system.txt (4,55 Kb)
txt 00_internal_security.txt (1,94 Kb)
txt 00_labor_rights.txt (2,41 Kb)
txt 00_migration.txt (772 b)
txt 00_policing.txt (1,9 Kb)
txt 00_rights_of_women.txt (2,28 Kb)
txt 00_slavery.txt (1,95 Kb)
txt 00_taxation.txt (4,58 Kb)
txt 00_trade_policy.txt (2,45 Kb)
txt 00_welfare.txt (6,43 Kb)
law_groups (1 файл)
txt 00_laws.txt (3,62 Kb)
map_interaction_types (1 файл)
txt map_interaction_types.txt (3,8 Kb)
modifiers (15 файлов)
txt 00_static_modifiers.txt (15 Kb)
txt 00_test_modifiers.txt (987 b)
txt 01_loans.txt (102 b)
txt 02_event_modifiers.txt (58,4 Kb)
txt 03_event_ig_opinion_modifiers.txt (11,44 Kb)
txt 04_decision_modifiers.txt (898 b)
txt 05_rule_modifiers.txt (404 b)
txt 06_conscription_modifiers.txt (2,07 Kb)
txt 101_modifiers.txt (7,86 Kb)
txt 104_modifiers.txt (24,45 Kb)
txt 105_modifiers.txt (23,42 Kb)
txt content_1_modifiers.txt (41,25 Kb)
txt content_2_modifiers.txt (16,03 Kb)
txt content_3_modifiers.txt (13,54 Kb)
txt content_4_modifiers.txt (9,08 Kb)
modifier_types (5 файлов)
txt 00_building_modifier_types.txt (10,27 Kb)
txt 00_modifier_types.txt (26,91 Kb)
txt 01_modifier_types_rules.txt (1,66 Kb)
txt 02_modifier_types_script_only.txt (2,11 Kb)
txt 03_label_modifier_types.txt (1,96 Kb)
named_colors (2 файла)
txt 00_coa_colors.txt (1 Kb)
txt 00_country_colors.txt (1017 b)
notification_types (2 файла)
txt 00_notification_types.txt (18,78 Kb)
txt 01_event_notifications.txt (5,22 Kb)
objectives (3 файла)
txt 00_objective_tutorial.txt (1,54 Kb)
txt 01_player_objectives.txt (1,86 Kb)
file _objectives.info (323 b)
objective_subgoals (5 файлов)
txt 00_subgoals_tutorial.txt (34,56 Kb)
txt 01_subgoals_player_objectives_economic_dominance.txt (3,64 Kb)
txt 01_subgoals_player_objectives_egalitarian.txt (2,14 Kb)
txt 01_subgoals_player_objectives_hegemon.txt (3,06 Kb)
file _subgoals.info (1,3 Kb)
objective_subgoal_categories (2 файла)
txt 00_categories.txt (265 b)
file _categories.info (259 b)
on_actions (1 файл)
txt 00_code_on_actions.txt (39,75 Kb)
opinion_modifiers (2 файла)
file _opinion_modifiers.info (338 b)
txt opinion_modifiers.txt (791 b)
parties (11 файлов)
txt agrarian_party.txt (7,32 Kb)
txt anarchist_party.txt (5,65 Kb)
txt communist_party.txt (11,41 Kb)
txt conservative_party.txt (11,01 Kb)
txt fascist_party.txt (8,46 Kb)
txt free_trade_party.txt (7,08 Kb)
txt liberal_party.txt (10,65 Kb)
txt military_party.txt (4,75 Kb)
txt radical_party.txt (10,71 Kb)
txt religious_party.txt (5,48 Kb)
txt social_democrats_party.txt (11,37 Kb)
pop_needs (1 файл)
txt 00_pop_needs.txt (5,82 Kb)
pop_types (16 файлов)
file _pop_types.info (1,24 Kb)
txt academics.txt (1,89 Kb)
txt aristocrats.txt (1,9 Kb)
txt bureaucrats.txt (2,01 Kb)
txt capitalists.txt (1,89 Kb)
txt clergymen.txt (1,79 Kb)
txt clerks.txt (1,33 Kb)
txt engineers.txt (1,82 Kb)
txt farmers.txt (1,48 Kb)
txt laborers.txt (1,13 Kb)
txt machinists.txt (1,71 Kb)
txt officers.txt (1,68 Kb)
txt peasants.txt (1,11 Kb)
txt shopkeepers.txt (1,4 Kb)
txt slaves.txt (810 b)
txt soldiers.txt (921 b)
production_methods (15 файлов)
txt 00_dummy.txt (174 b)
txt 01_industry.txt (63,4 Kb)
txt 02_agro.txt (12,01 Kb)
txt 03_mines.txt (29,25 Kb)
txt 04_plantations.txt (9,14 Kb)
txt 05_military.txt (31,24 Kb)
txt 06_urban_center.txt (8,58 Kb)
txt 07_government.txt (8,25 Kb)
txt 08_monuments.txt (4,76 Kb)
txt 09_misc_resource.txt (16,53 Kb)
txt 10_canals.txt (462 b)
txt 11_private_infrastructure.txt (5,46 Kb)
txt 12_subsistence.txt (5,53 Kb)
txt 13_construction.txt (2,77 Kb)
file _production_methods.info (2,22 Kb)
production_method_groups (15 файлов)
txt 00_dummy.txt (201 b)
txt 01_industry.txt (12,23 Kb)
txt 02_agro.txt (5,48 Kb)
txt 03_mines.txt (6,41 Kb)
txt 04_plantations.txt (5,85 Kb)
txt 05_military.txt (3,47 Kb)
txt 06_urban_center.txt (1,66 Kb)
txt 07_government.txt (1,83 Kb)
txt 08_monuments.txt (3,59 Kb)
txt 09_misc_resource.txt (4,08 Kb)
txt 10_canals.txt (156 b)
txt 11_private_infrastructure.txt (1,2 Kb)
txt 12_subsistence.txt (2,05 Kb)
txt 13_construction.txt (274 b)
file _production_method_groups.info (697 b)
proposal_types (1 файл)
txt 00_proposal_types.txt (1,31 Kb)
religions (1 файл)
txt religion.txt (1,94 Kb)
scripted_effects (13 файлов)
txt 0000_debug_effects.txt (508 b)
txt 00_expedition_effects.txt (8,41 Kb)
txt 00_krakatoa_effects.txt (492 b)
txt 00_native_conscription.txt (1,96 Kb)
txt 00_political_setup.txt (3,21 Kb)
txt 00_rufus_scripted_effects.txt (1,14 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_effects.txt (4,67 Kb)
txt 00_spanish_flu_effects.txt (5,1 Kb)
txt 00_starting_inventions.txt (4,22 Kb)
txt 00_starting_pop_literacy.txt (6,41 Kb)
txt 00_starting_pop_wealth.txt (2,75 Kb)
txt 00_starting_secret_goals.txt (2,24 Kb)
txt 00_strike_effects.txt (2,43 Kb)
scripted_guis (1 файл)
txt dummy.txt (131 b)
scripted_lists (1 файл)
txt dummy.txt (131 b)
scripted_modifiers (1 файл)
file _scripted_modifiers.info (178 b)
scripted_rules (1 файл)
txt 00_scripted_rules.txt (222 b)
scripted_triggers (8 файлов)
txt 00_ai_triggers.txt (229 b)
txt 00_clothes_triggers.txt (21,29 Kb)
txt 00_coa_triggers.txt (12,49 Kb)
txt 00_debug_triggers.txt (61 b)
txt 00_geography_triggers.txt (4,62 Kb)
txt 00_has_dlc_triggers.txt (183 b)
txt 00_scripted_triggers.txt (31,05 Kb)
txt 00_strike_triggers.txt (1,51 Kb)
script_values (7 файлов)
file _script_values.info (3,76 Kb)
txt building_values.txt (254 b)
txt command_values.txt (8,31 Kb)
txt decision_values.txt (1,77 Kb)
txt event_values.txt (1,92 Kb)
txt game_values.txt (184 b)
txt objective_values.txt (618 b)
state_traits (13 файлов)
txt 00_generic_traits.txt (1,63 Kb)
txt 01_scandinavia_traits.txt (1,96 Kb)
txt 02_british_isles_traits.txt (1,27 Kb)
txt 03_north_america_traits.txt (5,33 Kb)
txt 04_south_america_traits.txt (2,5 Kb)
txt 05_western_europe_traits.txt (2,9 Kb)
txt 06_eastern_europe_traits.txt (1,44 Kb)
txt 07_africa_traits.txt (1,37 Kb)
txt 08_near_east_traits.txt (1 Kb)
txt 09_india_traits.txt (1,14 Kb)
txt 10_south_east_asia_traits.txt (1,83 Kb)
txt 11_far_east_asia_traits.txt (1,73 Kb)
txt 12_oceania_traits.txt (965 b)
strategic_regions (8 файлов)
file _strategic_regions.info (505 b)
txt african_strategic_regions.txt (2,49 Kb)
txt east_asia_strategic_regions.txt (2,81 Kb)
txt europe_strategic_regions.txt (4,13 Kb)
txt north_america_strategic_regions.txt (2,37 Kb)
txt south_america_strategic_regions.txt (1,32 Kb)
txt water_strategic_regions.txt (10,73 Kb)
txt west_south_asia_strategic_regions.txt (2,23 Kb)
subject_types (1 файл)
txt 00_subject_types.txt (6,86 Kb)
technology (2 файла)
eras (2 файла)
txt 00_eras.txt (492 b)
file _eras.info (248 b)
technologies (3 файла)
txt 10_production.txt (16,04 Kb)
txt 20_military.txt (14,84 Kb)