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Пишите нам на почту: gamesrepack@yandex.ua и мы вам ответим в ближайшее время, так же вы можете воспользоваться формой обратной связи прямо с сайта.

Последние комментари
30 марта 2024 18:05
Valera_metall, Это таблетка чтоб вы могли играть не покупая игру.
18 декабря 2023 15:48
кто нибудь раздаст? дайте пожалуйста докачать останусь на рахдаче долго пока не уйду на работу!
11 октября 2023 09:34
А то что в файлах есть дополнительно троян: Trojan:Win32/ScarletFlash.A Автор умолчал!
31 августа 2023 19:19
salamander, Терпение мой друг. Сервер далеко, бывает сутки связывает. И не надо жлобится после активации, оставаться на раздаче - дело святое.
13 августа 2023 13:30
раздачи как обычно нет
1 февраля 2023 19:18
Для того чтобы перенести сохранения с прошлой версии с таблеткой от EMPRESS делаем следующее: 1. Копируем их по пути %SystemDisk%\Users\Public\Documents\EMPRESS\534380\remote\534380\remote\out 2. Вставляем их по пути %SystemDisk%\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu
18 января 2022 18:27
game won't download
12 ноября 2021 06:37
Таблетки отдельно: GTA.3.DE.Crack-whiteee - https://www20.zippyshare.com/v/ZuASEvPi/file.html GTA.Vice.City.DE.City.Crack-whiteee - https://www20.zippyshare.com/v/28l6EM5r/file.html GTA.San.Andreas.DE.Crack-whiteee - https://www20.zippyshare.com/v/XgqLZPak/file.html GTA.3.DE.Crack-ManiacKnight -
9 сентября 2021 09:11
Serj, Язык интерфейса: Русский (в пункте "Установка") Arrosus, Установить последнюю версию драйверов для видеокарты, DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, Microsoft .NET Framework. Подробнее здесь: https://rgmechanics.info/load/14-load_14.html
20 августа 2021 19:04
Симс 3, пока что, самая интересная во всей серии симов. Лучше прошлых, и как по мне лучше, в разы лучше четвёртой!
19 августа 2021 08:38
Potyroky, The game is updated constantly.
1 августа 2021 22:57
Логин, Особенности репака читайте, там написано: Для смены языка используйте "Language Selector.bat" в корне игры
28 июня 2021 14:30
Не могу завершить установку, постоянно то ошибка то протсо замирает, есдли ждать то может и два часа пройти, но без толку, выбирал 2 Гига памяти
23 июня 2021 19:47
Hicks33, Обновили до последних версий коллекцию этих изданий.
8 июня 2021 08:08
Логин, обновление было, присоединяюсь к раздаче.
26 мая 2021 02:15
press the build button. Я нажимаю, а нихера (пролог вроде ещё). То есть нажимать то нажимается, а построить таверну не даёт.
25 мая 2021 19:56
Это с друидами уже или нет?
19 мая 2021 13:49
при установке отключает комп
19 мая 2021 16:41
зависает загрузка на файле /BendGame/content/packs/WindowsNoEditor.pack Логин, терпение мой друг, там подождать надо
17 мая 2021 21:58
И? 3й раз качаю данную раздачу, и в третий раз 0,2% и ВСЕ! Але, если раздачи нет, удалите из списка ЭТУ раздачу.
15 мая 2021 12:41
Здравствуйте обновите Симс 4 до версии пожалуйста
13 мая 2021 16:20
Если за основу взята 2981, то и версия 2981, а не 2955?
12 мая 2021 17:22
Данная версия не запускается, вылетает после логотипа CDR! Хотфикс v1.22 скоро появится у вас?
5 мая 2021 08:42
again, no seeds.. this is getting boring.. you people really need to do something..
5 мая 2021 08:40
how are we supposed to download when there are no seeders present in the torrents, gents?
5 мая 2021 08:37
why are there no seeds?!
30 апреля 2021 11:48
Hi, Thank you for the crack. Is it possible to have the files of the update 1.2.1 ?
27 апреля 2021 16:33
Этот репак на 8,1 не запускается, версия 2189 здесь
26 апреля 2021 22:21
Ребята исправьте шапку - тут пятая Гта весом 43 Гб. Только какая версия непонятно. Не 2245? Короче, качаю, сейчас проверим версию...
23 апреля 2021 08:58
Кто скачал? Как игра, работает?
показать все
Нас уже {user_num}

Star Trek: Infinite - Deluxe Edition (Paradox Interactive) (RUS/ENG/MULTi10) [P]

  • 615
  • 16 окт 2023
  • 0
Star Trek: Infinite - Deluxe Edition (Paradox Interactive) (RUS/ENG/MULTi10) [P]

Год выпуска: 12 октября 2023
Жанр: Adventure / Simulation / Strategy
Разработчик: Nimble Giant Entertainment
Издательство: Paradox Interactive
Язык интерфейса: русский*, английский, MULTi10
Язык озвучки: английский
Версия: 1.0.0 (Build 12428191)
Тип издания: Пиратка
Таблeтка: вшита (CODEX-RUNE Steam emu.)
*После первого запуска игры идём по пути %systemdrive%\Users\%username%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Infinite и в файле settings.txt изменить строку language="l_english" на language="l_russian"
Минимальные системные требования:
- Требуются 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-530 / AMD FX-6350
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 / AMD Radeon HD 5870 (1GB VRAM) / AMD Radeon RX Vega 11 / Intel HD Graphics 4600
- Место на диске: 16 GB

Описание: Star Trek: Infinite — грандиозная стратегическая игра, которая позволяет создать собственную историю знаменитой вселенной.

Особенности игры
• Ваша история в мире Star Trek
В Star Trek: Infinite можно играть по-разному. Идите путем дипломатии, шпионажа, войны или сочетайте их все в вашей победной стратегии. Судьба квадранта в ваших руках!
• Выберите фракцию
Выбирайте между Объединенной Федерацией Планет, Клингонской Империей, Ромуланской Звездной Империей или Кардассианским союзом. Вы станете лидером фракции и будете отвечать за все ее решения. У каждой фракции свой стиль игры, но только от ваших решений зависит, достигнете ли вы своих целей.
• Знаменитые персонажи
Star Trek: Infinite воссоздает вселенную Star Trek. Напишите собственную историю мира в роли лидера фракции. Вы сможете нанять самых знаменитых капитанов и офицеров, в том числе Пикара, Джейнвэй, Сиско и Дейту. Свои знаменитые персонажи есть и у других фракций: например, Гаурон, Макбар, Гарак и многие другие.
• Разнообразие кораблей
Помимо множества персонажей, у вас будет доступ к целому ряду звездолетов из вселенной Star Trek, адаптированных к арсеналу каждой фракции. Надежные корабли Федерации классов «Интрепид» и «Дефайнт», грозные кардассианские суда класса «Галор», элегантные ромуланские «Д'Деридексы» или даже грозные клингонские линкоры «Нег'Вар». Разумеется, благодаря системе сюжета Star Trek: Infinite вам будет доступен и знаменитый «Энтерпрайз-D».
• Глубокая стратегия
Star Trek: Infinite строится на сложных механиках Stellaris, однако некоторые их этих механик оптимизированы в соответствии с особенностями франшизы Star Trek.

Запуск игры
1. Скачать игру в любое место на вашем диске (главное чтобы на пути к папке с игрой не было кириллицы)
2. Запуск игры с файла infinite.exe в главной директории игры

Почему игра может не запускаться?
- Убирайте кириллицу из пути к папке с игрой,
- Имя пользователя Windows не должно содержать кириллицу,
- Убирайте атрибут "только чтение" с папки с игрой,
- Убирайте папку с игрой из торрент-клиента, перед тем как запускать игру,
- Выключайте антивирус, т.к. он может блокировать запуск исполняемых и/или дополнительных файлов.
- На самый крайний случай - перекачайте папку с игрой полностью, по новой.
Загрузил:GamesRepack (16 октября 2023 22:40) Статус:Проверено (GamesRepack)
Взяли: 30 | Размер: 15,71 Gb
Последняя активность: не наблюдалась
Star.Trek.Infinite.Deluxe.Edition-InsaneRamZes (28878 файлов)
common (134 файла)
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file msgrdk_achievements.json (2,9 Kb)
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txt 00_research_budget.txt (673 b)
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txt 01_federation_members.txt (1,26 Kb)
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txt ambient_objects_leviathans.txt (2,49 Kb)
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txt system_effects.txt (2,32 Kb)
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txt example.txt (1,89 Kb)
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txt 00_bypasses.txt (4,68 Kb)
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txt 00_tags.txt (480 b)
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txt 00_weapons_critters_extradimensional.txt (3,31 Kb)
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txt 00_weapons_critters_space_whale.txt (679 b)
txt 00_weapons_critters_swarm.txt (2,81 Kb)
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txt README_weapon_component_stat_docs.txt (322 b)
file weapon_components.csv (16,91 Kb)
file weapon_components.ods (296,76 Kb)
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txt 00_country_customization.txt (1,77 Kb)
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txt 00_country_types.txt (55,55 Kb)
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txt 04_country_types_hornblower.txt (1 Kb)
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txt 00_crisis_levels.txt (5,91 Kb)
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txt 00_crisis_objectives.txt (6,61 Kb)
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txt 00_crisis_paths.txt (168 b)
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txt 04_caravaneer_decisions.txt (2,05 Kb)
txt 05_ancient_relics_decisions.txt (5,23 Kb)
txt 06_federation_decisions.txt (652 b)
txt 100_hornblower_decisions.txt (42,28 Kb)
defines (2 файла)
txt 00_defines.txt (142,18 Kb)
txt 01_defines.txt (20,74 Kb)
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txt 00_null_deposit.txt (395 b)
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txt 02_hornblower_base_planetary_deposits.txt (24,15 Kb)
txt 03_hornblower_sr_deposits.txt (9,21 Kb)
txt 04_hornblower_modifier_like_features.txt (36,07 Kb)
txt 05_hornblower_starting_deposits.txt (2,24 Kb)
txt 06_hornblower_planetary_blockers.txt (26,15 Kb)
txt 88_distant_stars_deposits.txt (622 b)
txt 88_event_planetary_deposits.txt (23,25 Kb)
txt 88_federations_deposits.txt (2,77 Kb)
txt 88_leviathans_deposits.txt (658 b)
deposit_categories (1 файл)
txt 00_deposit_categories.txt (343 b)
diplomacy_economy (1 файл)
txt 00_diplomacy_economy.txt (4,35 Kb)
diplomatic_actions (3 файла)
txt 00_actions.txt (36,33 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_actions.txt (23,04 Kb)
txt 00_removed_actions.txt (16,25 Kb)
diplo_phrases (2 файла)
txt 00_diplo_action_phrases.txt (403 b)
txt 00_diplo_phrases.txt (397,68 Kb)
districts (9 файлов)
txt 00_urban_districts.txt (8,83 Kb)
txt 01_arcology_districts.txt (0 b)
txt 02_rural_districts.txt (5,1 Kb)
txt 03_habitat_districts.txt (21,44 Kb)
txt 05_hornblower_districts.txt (14,54 Kb)
txt 06_hornblower_ufop_districts.txt (3,88 Kb)
txt 07_hornblower_klingon_districts.txt (3,31 Kb)
txt 08_hornblower_romulan_districts.txt (4,11 Kb)
txt 09_hornblower_cardassian_districts.txt (5,81 Kb)
dynamic_text (1 файл)
txt example.txt (1,43 Kb)
economic_categories (3 файла)
txt 00_common_categories.txt (18,38 Kb)
txt 01_hrb_common_categories.txt (0 b)
economic_plans (6 файлов)
txt 00_example.txt (1,02 Kb)
txt 01_base.txt (5,16 Kb)
txt 02_hivemind.txt (37 b)
txt 03_machine.txt (36 b)
txt 04_lithoid.txt (36 b)
txt 05_hrb_common.txt (5,16 Kb)
edicts (5 файлов)
txt 00_edicts.txt (24,61 Kb)
txt 01_campaigns.txt (10,46 Kb)
txt 03_sacrifices.txt (4,77 Kb)
txt 99_README_EDICTS.txt (858 b)
txt README.txt (868 b)
espionage_assets (2 файла)
txt 00_assets_regular.txt (7,52 Kb)
txt 01_assets_gestalt.txt (9,76 Kb)
espionage_operation_categories (2 файла)
txt categories.txt (355 b)
txt example.txt (68 b)
espionage_operation_types (2 файла)
txt example.txt (1,14 Kb)
txt operations.txt (23,95 Kb)
ethics (1 файл)
txt 00_ethics.txt (49,61 Kb)
event_chains (16 файлов)
txt 00_event_chains.txt (4,69 Kb)
txt 00_event_chains_2.txt (3,57 Kb)
txt 00_event_chains_3.txt (513 b)
txt 00_event_chains_ancient_relics.txt (739 b)
txt 00_event_chains_distant_stars.txt (1,06 Kb)
txt 00_event_chains_federations.txt (1,26 Kb)
txt 00_event_chains_horizonsignal.txt (680 b)
txt 00_event_chains_leviathans.txt (284 b)
txt 00_event_chains_nemesis.txt (587 b)
txt 00_fallen_empire_chains.txt (0 b)
txt 00_hornblower_borg_crisis_chains.txt (3,71 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_event_chains.txt (4,59 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_tutorial_chains.txt (4,26 Kb)
txt 00_mandate_chains.txt (4,34 Kb)
txt 00_quest_chains.txt (1,75 Kb)
txt 00_tutorial_chains.txt (5,62 Kb)
fallen_empires (1 файл)
txt 00_fallen_empire.txt (0 b)
first_contact (2 файла)
txt 00_first_contact.txt (37,73 Kb)
txt 01_first_contact_space_fauna_and_NPCs.txt (8,13 Kb)
galactic_community_actions (1 файл)
txt 00_galactic_community_actions.txt (470 b)
galactic_focuses (3 файла)
txt 00_example.txt (387 b)
txt 00_galactic_focus.txt (1,49 Kb)
txt 01_test.txt (288 b)
game_concepts (1 файл)
txt 00_game_concepts.txt (4,22 Kb)
game_rules (2 файла)
txt 00_rules.txt (29,86 Kb)
txt 01_hrb_rules.txt (1,04 Kb)
global_ship_designs (23 файла)
txt ai_ship_designs.txt (21,87 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_an4.txt (1,38 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_ancrel.txt (1,68 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_anomalies.txt (14,79 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_distant_stars.txt (11,73 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_federations.txt (4,21 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_general.txt (7,72 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_nomad.txt (2,87 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_sentinels.txt (6,36 Kb)
txt event_ship_designs_special_systems.txt (810 b)
txt extra_dimensional_ship_designs.txt (14,85 Kb)
txt fallen_empire_ship_designs.txt (0 b)
txt global_ship_designs.txt (603 b)
txt hornblower_designs.txt (71,83 Kb)
txt leviathans_designs.txt (33,89 Kb)
txt marauder_ship_designs.txt (9,31 Kb)
txt megacorp_designs.txt (7,57 Kb)
txt mining_drone_designs.txt (3,43 Kb)
txt pirate_ship_designs.txt (13,3 Kb)
txt space_monster_designs.txt (5,83 Kb)
txt space_whale_designs.txt (1,7 Kb)
txt swarm_ship_designs.txt (4,42 Kb)
txt utopia_designs.txt (1,45 Kb)
global_tension_ranges (1 файл)
txt 00_ranges.txt (611 b)
global_tension_types (1 файл)
txt 00_types.txt (2,47 Kb)
governments (6 файлов)
authorities (1 файл)
txt 00_authorities.txt (8,69 Kb)
civics (6 файлов)
txt 00_civics.txt (25,16 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_civics.txt (23,35 Kb)
txt 00_origins.txt (7,75 Kb)
txt 01_special_civics.txt (6,54 Kb)
txt 02_gestalt_civics.txt (1,3 Kb)
txt 03_corporate_civics.txt (1,3 Kb)
txt 00_governments.txt (30,45 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_governments.txt (10,19 Kb)
txt 99_README_GOVERNMENT.txt (1,8 Kb)
txt readme_requirements.txt (1,92 Kb)
graphical_culture (3 файла)
txt 00_graphical_culture.txt (16,43 Kb)
txt 01_graphical_culture_megacorp.txt (847 b)
txt 02_graphical_culture_hornblower.txt (5,03 Kb)
greeting_overlay_sounds (1 файл)
txt 00_greeting_overlay_sounds.txt (307 b)
hazard_types (1 файл)
txt 00_hazard_types.txt (4,11 Kb)
intel_categories (6 файлов)
txt 00_intel_government.txt (341 b)
txt 01_intel_diplomacy.txt (283 b)
txt 02_intel_economy.txt (543 b)
txt 03_intel_technology.txt (237 b)
txt 04_intel_military.txt (385 b)
txt 05_intel_diplo_pacts.txt (2,06 Kb)
intel_levels (1 файл)
txt 00_intel_levels.txt (1,63 Kb)
lawsuits (1 файл)
txt 00_example.txt (198 b)
leader_classes (1 файл)
txt 00_base_classes.txt (4,07 Kb)
mandates (1 файл)
txt 00_mandates.txt (3,68 Kb)
map_modes (1 файл)
txt 00_map_modes.txt (18,98 Kb)
megastructures (3 файла)
txt 00_habitats.txt (4,86 Kb)
txt 99_README_MEGASTRUCTURES.txt (1,86 Kb)
txt README.txt (1,55 Kb)
menace_perks (1 файл)
txt 00_menace_perks.txt (2,93 Kb)
message_types (1 файл)
txt 00_message_types.txt (33,04 Kb)
name_lists (153 файла)
txt ACAM.txt (5,9 Kb)
txt AI.txt (7,58 Kb)
txt AI_SC.txt (8,66 Kb)
txt ART1.txt (4,49 Kb)
txt ART1_SC.txt (4,97 Kb)
txt ART2.txt (3,7 Kb)
txt ART2_SC.txt (3,37 Kb)
txt ART3.txt (4,88 Kb)
txt ART3_SC.txt (6,9 Kb)
txt ART4.txt (3,65 Kb)
txt ART4_SC.txt (4,12 Kb)
txt AVI1.txt (6,59 Kb)
txt AVI1_SC.txt (5,46 Kb)
txt AVI2.txt (5,98 Kb)
txt AVI2_SC.txt (5,57 Kb)
txt AVI3.txt (6,19 Kb)
txt AVI3_SC.txt (6,35 Kb)
txt AVI4.txt (11,43 Kb)
txt AVI4_SC.txt (11,9 Kb)
txt BAJO.txt (5,73 Kb)
txt BETA.txt (5,89 Kb)
txt BOLI.txt (5,88 Kb)
txt BOSL.txt (5,76 Kb)
txt CAIR.txt (5,74 Kb)
txt CHINESE_NAMES.txt (285,51 Kb)
txt CRD1.txt (5,37 Kb)
txt CRD1_SC.txt (44,07 Kb)
txt Cybrex.txt (6,68 Kb)
txt Cybrex_SC.txt (5,94 Kb)
txt ELAU.txt (5,71 Kb)
txt Extradimensional.txt (956 b)
txt Extradimensional_SC.txt (1,22 Kb)
txt FARI.txt (5,9 Kb)
txt FERE.txt (5,71 Kb)
txt FUN1.txt (5,03 Kb)
txt FUN1_SC.txt (5,75 Kb)
txt FUN2.txt (3,69 Kb)
txt FUN2_SC.txt (3,04 Kb)
txt FUN3.txt (4,53 Kb)
txt FUN3_SC.txt (4,63 Kb)
txt FUN4.txt (4,4 Kb)
txt FUN4_SC.txt (5,24 Kb)
txt GDF.txt (168 b)
txt GERMAN_NAMES.txt (6,59 Kb)
txt Graygoo.txt (3 b)
txt Graygoo_SC.txt (3 b)
txt HIVE.txt (5,33 Kb)
txt HIVE2.txt (5,21 Kb)
txt HIVE2_SC.txt (5,35 Kb)
txt HIVE_SC.txt (7,95 Kb)
txt HUM1.txt (7,51 Kb)
txt HUM1_SC.txt (6,95 Kb)
txt HUM2.txt (5,31 Kb)
txt HUM2_SC.txt (6,74 Kb)
txt HUM3.txt (3,88 Kb)
txt HUM3_SC.txt (4,69 Kb)
txt HUM4.txt (4,57 Kb)
txt HUM4_SC.txt (5,49 Kb)
txt HUMAN1.txt (6,35 Kb)
txt HUMAN1_SC.txt (43,92 Kb)
txt HUMAN2.txt (6,35 Kb)
txt HUMAN2_SC.txt (41,98 Kb)
txt HUMAN3.txt (6,35 Kb)
txt HUMAN3_SC.txt (17,08 Kb)
txt HUPY.txt (5,79 Kb)
txt IA.txt (166 b)
txt IDAN.txt (5,86 Kb)
txt IYAA.txt (5,74 Kb)
txt JAPANESE_NAMES.txt (287,79 Kb)
txt JNAI.txt (5,68 Kb)
txt KAEL.txt (5,74 Kb)
txt KESP.txt (5,73 Kb)
txt KLG1.txt (5,41 Kb)
txt KLG1_SC.txt (44,09 Kb)
txt KOREAN_NAMES.txt (239,47 Kb)
txt KTAR.txt (5,77 Kb)
txt LISS.txt (5,8 Kb)
txt LITH1.txt (11,63 Kb)
txt LITH1_SC.txt (14,76 Kb)
txt LITH2.txt (9,88 Kb)
txt LITH2_SC.txt (12,84 Kb)
txt LITH3.txt (6,02 Kb)
txt LITH3_SC.txt (7,22 Kb)
txt LITH4.txt (5,4 Kb)
txt LITH4_SC.txt (5,36 Kb)
txt MACHINE1.txt (10,56 Kb)
txt MACHINE1_SC.txt (11,35 Kb)
txt MACHINE2.txt (4,77 Kb)
txt MACHINE2_SC.txt (8,11 Kb)
txt MACHINE3.txt (10,31 Kb)
txt MACHINE3_SC.txt (11,11 Kb)
txt MACHINE4.txt (14,76 Kb)
txt MACHINE4_SC.txt (16,06 Kb)
txt MALC.txt (5,9 Kb)
txt MAM1.txt (4,52 Kb)
txt MAM1_SC.txt (5,38 Kb)
txt MAM2.txt (4,52 Kb)
txt MAM2_SC.txt (5,01 Kb)
txt MAM3.txt (3,9 Kb)
txt MAM3_SC.txt (3,38 Kb)
txt MAM4.txt (7,2 Kb)
txt MAM4_SC.txt (7,67 Kb)
txt MOL1.txt (3,95 Kb)
txt MOL1_SC.txt (3,94 Kb)
txt MOL2.txt (3,72 Kb)
txt MOL2_SC.txt (3,68 Kb)
txt MOL3.txt (5,42 Kb)
txt MOL3_SC.txt (6,22 Kb)
txt MOL4.txt (12,01 Kb)
txt MOL4_SC.txt (11,11 Kb)
txt NAUS.txt (5,71 Kb)
txt NEC1.txt (8,51 Kb)
txt NEC1_SC.txt (9,07 Kb)
txt NEC2.txt (5,08 Kb)
txt NEC2_SC.txt (7,11 Kb)
txt NEC3.txt (5,75 Kb)
txt NEC3_SC.txt (7,2 Kb)
txt NEC4.txt (5,83 Kb)
txt NEC4_SC.txt (5,64 Kb)
txt PELI.txt (5,88 Kb)
txt PLANT.txt (6,37 Kb)
txt PLANT2.txt (5,06 Kb)
txt PLANT2_SC.txt (5,06 Kb)
txt PLANT3.txt (3,6 Kb)
txt PLANT3_SC.txt (3,47 Kb)
txt PLANT4.txt (5,82 Kb)
txt PLANT4_SC.txt (6,84 Kb)
txt PLANT_SC.txt (6,72 Kb)
txt POLISH_NAMES.txt (35,81 Kb)
txt PORTUGUESE_NAMES.txt (6,77 Kb)
txt PRT1.txt (7,33 Kb)
txt PRT1_SC.txt (6,18 Kb)
txt Prethoryn.txt (2,41 Kb)
txt Prethoryn_SC.txt (2,49 Kb)
txt REP1.txt (4,26 Kb)
txt REP1_SC.txt (4,25 Kb)
txt REP2.txt (4,17 Kb)
txt REP2_SC.txt (4,66 Kb)
txt REP3.txt (3,99 Kb)
txt REP3_SC.txt (3,61 Kb)
txt REP4.txt (7,47 Kb)
txt REP4_SC.txt (8,07 Kb)
txt RML1.txt (5,51 Kb)
txt RML1_SC.txt (44,08 Kb)
txt RUSSIAN_NAMES.txt (282,14 Kb)
txt TALA.txt (5,73 Kb)
txt TANU.txt (5,87 Kb)
txt TRIL.txt (5,89 Kb)
txt UFP1.txt (6,58 Kb)
txt UFP1_SC.txt (45,75 Kb)
txt UFP2.txt (5,61 Kb)
txt UFP3.txt (5,8 Kb)
txt UFP4.txt (5,63 Kb)
notification_modifiers (1 файл)
txt 00_notification_modifiers.txt (1,15 Kb)
observation_station_missions (1 файл)
txt 00_pre_warp_civ_missions.txt (2,91 Kb)
on_actions (4 файла)
txt 00_hrb_on_actions.txt (10,01 Kb)
txt 00_on_actions.txt (47,28 Kb)
txt 01_planet_destruction.txt (191 b)
txt 99_README_ON_ACTIONS.txt (1,88 Kb)
opinion_modifiers (7 файлов)
txt 00_opinion_modifiers.txt (47,67 Kb)
txt 00_opinion_modifiers_distant_stars.txt (2,52 Kb)
txt 00_opinion_modifiers_federation.txt (3,49 Kb)
txt 00_opinion_modifiers_hornblower.txt (3,92 Kb)
txt 00_opinion_modifiers_megacorp.txt (1,22 Kb)
txt 00_opinion_modifiers_nemesis.txt (4,47 Kb)
txt 01_personality_opinions.txt (2,98 Kb)
personalities (3 файла)
txt 00_personalities.txt (32,89 Kb)
txt 01_fallen_empire_personalities.txt (0 b)
txt 02_hrb_personalities.txt (4,3 Kb)
planet_classes (2 файла)
txt 00_planet_classes.txt (25,64 Kb)
txt 03_planet_classes_events.txt (528 b)
planet_modifiers (1 файл)
txt 00_planet_modifiers.txt (29,07 Kb)
planet_subclasses (1 файл)
txt 00_planet_subclasses.txt (373 b)
policies (1 файл)
txt 00_policies.txt (40,55 Kb)
pop_categories (3 файла)
txt 00_social_classes.txt (41,05 Kb)
txt 01_gestalt_drones.txt (2,46 Kb)
txt 02_other_categories.txt (12,4 Kb)
pop_faction_types (4 файла)
txt 01_ufop_alignment.txt (12,25 Kb)
txt 01_ufop_diplomatic.txt (12,09 Kb)
txt 01_ufop_free_planets_alliance.txt (9,14 Kb)
txt 01_ufop_harmony_league.txt (14,17 Kb)
pop_jobs (14 файлов)
txt 000_pretriggers.txt (918 b)
txt 00_other_jobs.txt (8,2 Kb)
txt 01_ruler_jobs.txt (6,29 Kb)
txt 02_specialist_jobs.txt (34,95 Kb)
txt 03_worker_jobs.txt (21,78 Kb)
txt 04_gestalt_jobs.txt (26,87 Kb)
txt 05_primitive_jobs.txt (10,99 Kb)
txt 06_event_jobs.txt (13,51 Kb)
txt 07_fallen_empire_jobs.txt (0 b)
txt 100_hornblower_generic_jobs.txt (54,85 Kb)
txt 101_hornblower_ufop_jobs.txt (5,33 Kb)
txt 102_hornblower_klingon_jobs.txt (13,1 Kb)
txt 103_hornblower_cardassian_jobs.txt (21,78 Kb)
txt 104_hornblower_romulan_jobs.txt (6,26 Kb)
precursor_civilizations (1 файл)
txt 00_precursor_civilizations.txt (338 b)
principles (1 файл)
txt 00_principles.txt (555 b)
quest_tree_nodes (4 файла)
txt 00_cardassian_nodes.txt (16,7 Kb)
txt 00_klingon_nodes.txt (22,88 Kb)
txt 00_romulan_nodes.txt (12,77 Kb)
txt 00_ufop_nodes.txt (24,29 Kb)
random_names (5 файлов)
base (1 файл)
txt 00_random_names.txt (34,25 Kb)
txt 00_empire_names.txt (138,38 Kb)
txt 00_pop_faction_bespoke_names.txt (1,33 Kb)
txt 00_pre_communications_names.txt (480 b)
txt 00_war_names.txt (10,04 Kb)
relation_effects (1 файл)
txt 00_relation_effects.txt (12,08 Kb)
resolutions (1 файл)
txt 00_example.txt (1,58 Kb)
resolution_categories (1 файл)
txt 00_example.txt (360 b)
resolution_groups (1 файл)
txt 00_resolution_groups.txt (207 b)
romulan_assimilation_objectives (1 файл)
txt 00_rml_assim_objectives.txt (273 b)
scripted_effects (19 файлов)
txt 00_scripted_effects.txt (326,81 Kb)
txt 01_start_of_game_effects.txt (24,81 Kb)
txt 99_advanced_documentation.txt (4,42 Kb)
txt archaeology_event_effects.txt (25,33 Kb)
txt caravaneer_scripted_effects.txt (43,91 Kb)
txt espionage_event_effects.txt (65,31 Kb)
txt federations_event_effects.txt (5,72 Kb)
txt first_contact_effects.txt (36,67 Kb)
txt galactic_community_effects.txt (810 b)
txt gray_goo_effects.txt (0 b)
txt hornblower_scripted_effects.txt (52,71 Kb)
txt hornblower_scripted_effects_tutorial.txt (6,63 Kb)
txt marauder_tribute_effects.txt (7,16 Kb)
txt mercenary_fleet_effects.txt (11,44 Kb)
txt pirate_fleet_effects.txt (25,23 Kb)
txt prethoryn_fleet_effects.txt (7,02 Kb)
txt primitives_scripted_effects.txt (4,99 Kb)
txt refugee_effects.txt (12 Kb)
txt system_ambient_effects.txt (2,07 Kb)
scripted_loc (14 файлов)
txt 000_example.txt (1,15 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_loc.txt (13,28 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_loc_fr.txt (25,94 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_loc_hornblower.txt (975 b)
txt 01_scripted_loc.txt (75,49 Kb)
txt 02_scripted_loc_megacorp.txt (5,85 Kb)
txt 03_scripted_loc_ancrel.txt (539 b)
txt 04_scripted_loc_fed.txt (13,41 Kb)
txt 05_scripted_loc_nem.txt (11,9 Kb)
txt scripted_loc_deloc.txt (18,21 Kb)
txt scripted_loc_engloc.txt (2,63 Kb)
txt scripted_loc_frloc.txt (5,67 Kb)
txt scripted_loc_porloc.txt (4,73 Kb)
txt vb_scripted_loc_ruloc_txt.txt (1,85 Kb)
scripted_modifiers (1 файл)
txt 00_scripted_modifiers.txt (2,34 Kb)
scripted_triggers (17 файлов)
txt 00_scripted_espionage.txt (2,29 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_triggers.txt (40,53 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_triggers_buildings_ai.txt (5,34 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_triggers_frloc.txt (8,72 Kb)
txt 00_scripted_triggers_robot_portraits.txt (1,86 Kb)
txt 01_scripted_triggers_buildings.txt (1,75 Kb)
txt 01_scripted_triggers_jobs.txt (5,72 Kb)
txt 01_scripted_triggers_marauder_tribute.txt (7,43 Kb)
txt 01_scripted_triggers_planet_killers.txt (2,16 Kb)
txt 01_scripted_triggers_refugees.txt (3,87 Kb)
txt 02_scripted_triggers_archaeology.txt (1,86 Kb)
txt 02_scripted_triggers_caravaneers.txt (7,98 Kb)
txt 02_scripted_triggers_espionage.txt (6,66 Kb)
txt 02_scripted_triggers_federations.txt (35 b)
txt 02_scripted_triggers_first_contact.txt (3,96 Kb)
txt 03_scripted_triggers_hornblower.txt (5,87 Kb)
txt scripted_loc_mascfem_triggers.txt (228 b)
scripted_variables (5 файлов)
txt 00_scripted_variables.txt (5,69 Kb)
txt 01_scripted_variables_megacorp.txt (1,58 Kb)
txt 02_scripted_variables_component_cost.txt (8,31 Kb)
txt 03_scripted_variables_ships.txt (15,44 Kb)
txt 04_scripted_variables_hornblower.txt (4,04 Kb)
script_values (2 файла)
txt 00_script_values.txt (17,8 Kb)
txt 01_hornblower_script_values.txt (8,5 Kb)
section_templates (34 файла)
txt ai.txt (14,8 Kb)
txt an4.txt (314 b)
txt ancient_drones.txt (2,78 Kb)
txt ancient_stations.txt (2,99 Kb)
txt battleship.txt (13,33 Kb)
txt colonizer.txt (484 b)
txt constructor.txt (217 b)
txt corvette.txt (3,08 Kb)
txt crisis.txt (3,33 Kb)
txt cruiser.txt (6,02 Kb)
txt crystal_monster.txt (19,48 Kb)
txt destroyer.txt (4,55 Kb)
txt distant_stars.txt (9,8 Kb)
txt extra_dimensional.txt (17,82 Kb)
txt fallen_empire.txt (0 b)
txt federations.txt (1,22 Kb)
txt generic_ships.txt (14,16 Kb)
txt governor.txt (212 b)
txt gray_goo.txt (0 b)
txt hornblower.txt (49,36 Kb)
txt leviathans.txt (32,4 Kb)
txt megacorp.txt (6,53 Kb)
txt nomad.txt (1,42 Kb)
txt other.txt (11,13 Kb)
txt pirate.txt (12,4 Kb)
txt psionic.txt (1,46 Kb)
txt science.txt (207 b)
txt space_monster.txt (7,44 Kb)
txt space_whale.txt (2,58 Kb)
txt spy_ship.txt (195 b)
txt starbase.txt (7,08 Kb)
txt swarm.txt (6,28 Kb)
txt titan.txt (1,93 Kb)
txt transport.txt (464 b)
sector_focuses (1 файл)
txt 00_focus.txt (30,81 Kb)
sector_types (2 файла)
txt 00_core.txt (268 b)
txt 01_other.txt (191 b)
ship_behaviors (5 файлов)
txt 00_default.txt (788 b)
txt 00_strike_craft.txt (1 Kb)
txt 01_standard_ship_behaviors.txt (5,86 Kb)
txt 02_special_ship_behaviours.txt (1,13 Kb)
txt 03_hornblower_ship_behaviors.txt (6,92 Kb)
ship_sizes (21 файл)
txt 00_ship_sizes.txt (28,39 Kb)
txt 00_starbases.txt (14,41 Kb)
txt 02_event_ships.txt (12,9 Kb)
txt 03_swarm_ships.txt (5,42 Kb)
txt 04_fallen_empires.txt (0 b)
txt 05_extra_dimensional.txt (3,56 Kb)
txt 06_crystal_entities.txt (14,24 Kb)
txt 07_space_monsters.txt (6,99 Kb)
txt 08_marauder_ships.txt (4,8 Kb)
txt 09_pirates_ships.txt (3,06 Kb)
txt 10_ai_ships.txt (7,67 Kb)
txt 11_leviathans.txt (11,75 Kb)
txt 12_psionic.txt (2,75 Kb)
txt 13_distant_stars.txt (3,91 Kb)
txt 14_graygoo_ships.txt (0 b)
txt 15_starbases_megacorp.txt (1,69 Kb)
txt 16_caravaneers_megacorp.txt (1,75 Kb)
txt 17_federations.txt (2,36 Kb)
txt 19_anniversary.txt (1,52 Kb)
txt 20_nemesis.txt (4,58 Kb)
txt 21_hornblower_sizes.txt (81,06 Kb)
situations (3 файла)
txt 00_global_situations.txt (42,25 Kb)
txt 01_spy_mission_situations.txt (6,81 Kb)
txt 99_README_SITUATIONS.txt (13,62 Kb)
solar_system_initializers (6 файлов)
txt custom_system_initializers.txt (3,04 Kb)
txt example.txt (8,4 Kb)
txt hornblower_initializers.txt (109,51 Kb)
txt hornblower_primitives_initializers.txt (1,25 Kb)
txt misc_system_initializers.txt (12,91 Kb)
txt support_powers_initializers.txt (90,7 Kb)
special_projects (5 файлов)
txt 00_hornblower_borg_crisis_projects.txt (18,91 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_colony_projects.txt (8,16 Kb)
txt 00_projects.txt (1,95 Kb)
txt 00_projects_hornblower.txt (47,68 Kb)
txt documentation.txt (3,63 Kb)
species_archetypes (1 файл)
txt 00_species_archetypes.txt (828 b)
species_classes (3 файла)
txt 00_species_classes.txt (4,51 Kb)
txt 01_base_species_classes.txt (9,48 Kb)
txt 02_hornblower_species_classes.txt (2,99 Kb)
species_names (6 файлов)
txt ascension_names.txt (2,13 Kb)
txt ascension_names_SC.txt (3,25 Kb)
txt species_00.txt (25,45 Kb)
txt species_00_SC.txt (33,99 Kb)
txt species_01.txt (38,57 Kb)
txt species_01_SC.txt (43,2 Kb)
species_rights (8 файлов)
txt 00_citizenship_types.txt (9,34 Kb)
txt 01_living_standards.txt (19,38 Kb)
txt 02_military_service.txt (2,11 Kb)
txt 03_slavery_types.txt (4,03 Kb)
txt 04_purge_types.txt (6,42 Kb)
txt 05_species_controls.txt (2,28 Kb)
txt 06_species_rights_profiles.txt (18,65 Kb)
txt species_rights.txt (38 b)
spy_missions (3 файла)
txt 00_spy_missions.txt (55,83 Kb)
txt 01_governor_missions.txt (13,44 Kb)
txt 99_README_SPY_MISSIONS.txt (2,94 Kb)
starbase_buildings (1 файл)
txt 00_starbase_buildings.txt (22,69 Kb)
starbase_levels (1 файл)
txt 00_starbase_levels.txt (2,33 Kb)
starbase_modules (1 файл)
txt 00_starbase_modules.txt (6,65 Kb)
starbase_types (1 файл)
txt 00_starbase_types.txt (6,12 Kb)
start_screen_messages (1 файл)
txt 00_start_screen_messages.txt (15,74 Kb)
star_classes (2 файла)
txt 00_star_classes.txt (18,43 Kb)
txt 01_hornblower_star_classes.txt (2,13 Kb)
static_modifiers (19 файлов)
txt 00_static_modifiers.txt (35,37 Kb)
txt 01_static_modifers.txt (9,96 Kb)
txt 02_static_modifers.txt (10,45 Kb)
txt 03_static_modifiers_leviathans.txt (2,82 Kb)
txt 04_faction_modifiers.txt (2,74 Kb)
txt 04_static_modifiers_horizonsignal.txt (615 b)
txt 05_static_modifiers_utopia.txt (9,7 Kb)
txt 06_static_modifiers_apocalypse.txt (1,15 Kb)
txt 07_static_modifiers_distant_stars.txt (9,07 Kb)
txt 08_static_modifiers_megacorp.txt (12,54 Kb)
txt 09_static_modifiers_deficit.txt (1,77 Kb)
txt 100_hornblower_static_modifiers.txt (64,56 Kb)
txt 10_static_modifiers_ancient_relics.txt (6,07 Kb)
txt 11_static_modifiers_federations.txt (20,6 Kb)
txt 12_static_modifiers_necroids.txt (2,18 Kb)
txt 13_static_modifiers_nemesis.txt (9,52 Kb)
txt 14_static_modifiers_nemesis_douglas.txt (462 b)
txt 15_static_modifiers_hazards.txt (776 b)
txt 99_static_modifiers_manifesti.txt (0 b)
strategic_resources (1 файл)
txt 00_strategic_resources.txt (3,16 Kb)
subjects (6 файлов)
txt 00_corporate_subjects.txt (1,19 Kb)
txt 00_fallen_empire_subjects.txt (0 b)
txt 00_horde_subjects.txt (662 b)
txt 00_hornblower_subjects.txt (2 Kb)
txt 00_subjects.txt (3,81 Kb)
txt 00_tributary.txt (971 b)
system_types (1 файл)
txt 00_system_types.txt (7,04 Kb)
technology (28 файлов)
category (1 файл)
txt 00_category.txt (1,23 Kb)
tier (1 файл)
txt 00_tier.txt (603 b)
txt 00_distant_stars_tech.txt (862 b)
txt 00_eng_tech.txt (64,01 Kb)
txt 00_eng_tech_repeatable.txt (6,1 Kb)
txt 00_eng_weapon_tech.txt (18,25 Kb)
txt 00_fallen_empire_tech.txt (66 b)
txt 00_horizonsignal_tech.txt (0 b)
txt 00_hornblower_eng_techs.txt (23,49 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_phys_techs.txt (20,42 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_repeatable_techs.txt (5,23 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_soc_techs.txt (20,25 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_unsupported_techs.txt (55,73 Kb)
txt 00_initial_empire_tech.txt (96 b)
txt 00_leviathans_tech.txt (539 b)
txt 00_megastructures.txt (9,08 Kb)
txt 00_phys_tech.txt (56,78 Kb)
txt 00_phys_tech_repeatable.txt (3,08 Kb)
txt 00_phys_weapon_tech.txt (23,88 Kb)
txt 00_repeatable.txt (2,91 Kb)
txt 00_soc_tech.txt (87,75 Kb)
txt 00_soc_tech_repeatable.txt (6,53 Kb)
txt 00_soc_weapon_tech.txt (1,72 Kb)
txt 00_strategic_resources_tech.txt (15,06 Kb)
txt 01_hornblower_eng_tech.txt (12,75 Kb)
txt 01_hornblower_phys_tech.txt (4,91 Kb)
txt 01_hornblower_soc_tech.txt (4,19 Kb)
txt 99_README_TECHS.txt (5,31 Kb)
terraform (3 файла)
txt 00_basic_terraform_links.txt (6,21 Kb)
txt 01_advanced_terraform_links.txt (12,92 Kb)
txt 02_special_terraform_links.txt (16,99 Kb)
trade_conversions (1 файл)
txt 00_trade_conversions.txt (7,54 Kb)
traditions (10 файлов)
txt 00_diplomacy.txt (6,96 Kb)
txt 00_discovery.txt (4,98 Kb)
txt 00_domination.txt (5,43 Kb)
txt 00_expansion.txt (5,63 Kb)
txt 00_harmony.txt (5,88 Kb)
txt 00_prosperity.txt (6,16 Kb)
txt 00_supremacy.txt (4,79 Kb)
txt 01_hornblower.txt (19,13 Kb)
txt 99_README_TRADITIONS.txt (741 b)
txt README.txt (242 b)
tradition_categories (10 файлов)
txt 00_diplomacy.txt (598 b)
txt 00_discovery.txt (473 b)
txt 00_domination.txt (489 b)
txt 00_expansion.txt (475 b)
txt 00_harmony.txt (444 b)
txt 00_prosperity.txt (634 b)
txt 00_supremacy.txt (472 b)
txt 01_hornblower.txt (3,36 Kb)
txt README.txt (414 b)
traits (22 файла)
txt 00_admiral_traits.txt (8,77 Kb)
txt 00_envoy_traits.txt (1,51 Kb)
txt 00_general_traits.txt (4,65 Kb)
txt 00_generic_leader_traits.txt (4,08 Kb)
txt 00_generic_leader_traits_hornblower.txt (5,69 Kb)
txt 00_governor_traits.txt (6,07 Kb)
txt 00_horizonsignal_leader_traits.txt (1,14 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_leader_traits.txt (32,65 Kb)
txt 00_hornblower_unsuporter_leader_traits.txt (25,38 Kb)
txt 00_ruler_traits.txt (12,72 Kb)
txt 00_scientist_traits.txt (21,95 Kb)
txt 00_scientist_traits_hornblower.txt (1,14 Kb)
txt 00_spy_traits.txt (2,56 Kb)
txt 01_species_traits_habitability.txt (2,56 Kb)
txt 02_species_traits_basic_characteristics.txt (2,39 Kb)
txt 03_species_traits_presapients.txt (2,74 Kb)
txt 04_hornblower_pre_warp_species_traits.txt (2,41 Kb)
txt 04_hornblower_species_traits.txt (18,91 Kb)
txt 04_species_traits.txt (16,12 Kb)
txt 06_distant_stars_traits.txt (3,99 Kb)
txt 07_megacorp_traits.txt (1,73 Kb)
txt 08_ancrel_traits.txt (3,73 Kb)
victory_conditions (1 файл)
txt 00_victory_condition_types.txt (294 b)
war_goals (6 файлов)
txt 00_war_goals.txt (9,06 Kb)
txt 01_fallen_empire_war_goals.txt (0 b)
txt 02_event_war_goals.txt (5,78 Kb)
txt 03_nemesis_war_goals.txt (2,98 Kb)
txt 04_imperium_war_goals.txt (3,13 Kb)
txt wg_example.txt (1,79 Kb)
txt HOW_TO_MAKE_NEW_SHIPS.txt (4,98 Kb)
txt achievements.txt (11,66 Kb)
txt alerts.txt (3,75 Kb)
txt message_types.txt (48,07 Kb)
crash_reporter (1 файл)
binaries (1 файл)
exe CrashReporter.exe (2,3 Mb)
dlc (4 файла)
dlc001_klingon_voice_pack (3 файла)
file dlc001.dlc (348 b)
zip dlc001.zip (11 Mb)
png thumbnail.png (81,62 Kb)
dlc002_deluxe_version (3 файла)
file dlc002.dlc (331 b)
zip dlc002.zip (59,8 Mb)
png thumbnail.png (76,23 Kb)
dlc003_pre_order_bonus (3 файла)
file dlc003.dlc (330 b)
zip dlc003.zip (4,64 Mb)
png thumbnail.png (79,83 Kb)
txt dlc.txt (205 b)
dlc_metadata (2 файла)
dlc_recommendations (1 файл)
txt 00_dlc_recommendations.txt (197 b)
txt dlc_info.txt (2,06 Kb)
events (45 файлов)
txt 000_added_pre_triggers_to_planet_events.txt (1,12 Kb)
txt achievement_events.txt (2,12 Kb)
txt advisor_events.txt (10,09 Kb)
txt caravaneer_events.txt (114,81 Kb)
txt communications_spread.txt (5,86 Kb)
txt faction_events.txt (2,68 Kb)
txt first_contact_NPC_country_types_events.txt (14,11 Kb)
txt first_contact_events.txt (108,9 Kb)
txt first_contact_random_events.txt (11,95 Kb)
txt fleet_action_examples.txt (1,42 Kb)
txt game_start.txt (28,59 Kb)
txt hornblower_anomaly_events.txt (195,17 Kb)
txt hornblower_assimilation_events.txt (15,28 Kb)
txt hornblower_blockers_events.txt (8,27 Kb)
txt hornblower_borg_crisis_events.txt (94,95 Kb)
txt hornblower_building_events.txt (613 b)
txt hornblower_colony_events.txt (69,58 Kb)
txt hornblower_country_events.txt (215,72 Kb)
txt hornblower_crystalline_entity_events.txt (43,53 Kb)
txt hornblower_envoy_events.txt (1,84 Kb)
txt hornblower_game_start.txt (8,27 Kb)
txt hornblower_global_situation_events.txt (174,48 Kb)
txt hornblower_leader_events.txt (32,88 Kb)
txt hornblower_megastructure_events.txt (1,2 Kb)
txt hornblower_mission_events.txt (156,72 Kb)
txt hornblower_on_actions_events.txt (35,8 Kb)
txt hornblower_pirate_events.txt (25,08 Kb)
txt hornblower_planet_modifier_events.txt (22,6 Kb)
txt hornblower_pre_warp_civilizations_events.txt (2,89 Kb)
txt hornblower_quest_tree_events.txt (11,73 Kb)
txt hornblower_quest_tree_reward_events.txt (12,17 Kb)
txt hornblower_romulan_supernova.txt (14,59 Kb)
txt hornblower_situation_events.txt (28,48 Kb)
txt hornblower_support_powers_events.txt (15,67 Kb)
txt hornblower_terraforming_events.txt (28,82 Kb)
txt hornblower_test_events.txt (6,89 Kb)
txt hornblower_tutorial_events.txt (54,09 Kb)
txt hornblower_tutorial_mission_events.txt (47,21 Kb)
txt hornblower_tutorial_test_events.txt (9,99 Kb)
txt leviathans_events.txt (166,22 Kb)
txt marauder_events.txt (180,06 Kb)
txt observer_events.txt (6,45 Kb)
txt on_action_events.txt (137,39 Kb)
txt refugee_events.txt (3,86 Kb)
txt test_events.txt (26,26 Kb)
flags (17 файлов)
backgrounds (18 файлов)
file 00_solid.dds (468,88 Kb)
file circle.dds (468,88 Kb)
file diagonal.dds (468,88 Kb)
file diagonal_stripe.dds (625,13 Kb)
file double_hemispheres.dds (468,88 Kb)
file double_triangles.dds (625,13 Kb)
file horizontal.dds (625,07 Kb)
file horizontal_stripe.dds (625,07 Kb)
file inverted_v.dds (625,13 Kb)
file new_dawn.dds (468,88 Kb)
file pattern_01.dds (468,88 Kb)
file rounded_middle.dds (625,13 Kb)
file sinus.dds (468,88 Kb)
file stripe.dds (468,88 Kb)
file stripes.dds (468,88 Kb)
file triangle_split.dds (468,88 Kb)
file v.dds (468,88 Kb)
file vertical.dds (468,88 Kb)
blocky (26 файлов)
map (24 файла)
file flag_blocky_1.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_10.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_12.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_13.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_14.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_15.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_16.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_17.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_18.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_19.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_2.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_20.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_21.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_22.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_23.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_24.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_3.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_4.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_5.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_6.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_7.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_8.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (24 файла)
file flag_blocky_1.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_10.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_11.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_12.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_13.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_14.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_15.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_16.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_17.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_18.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_19.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_2.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_20.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_21.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_22.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_23.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_24.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_3.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_4.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_5.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_6.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_7.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_8.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_9.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_blocky_1.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_10.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_11.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_12.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_13.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_14.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_15.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_16.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_17.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_18.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_19.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_2.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_20.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_21.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_22.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_23.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_24.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_3.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_4.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_5.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_6.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_7.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_8.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_blocky_9.dds (64,13 Kb)
corporate (8 файлов)
map (6 файлов)
file corporate_01.dds (256,13 Kb)
file corporate_02.dds (256,13 Kb)
file corporate_03.dds (256,13 Kb)
file corporate_04.dds (256,13 Kb)
file corporate_05.dds (256,13 Kb)
file corporate_06.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (6 файлов)
file corporate_01.dds (2,38 Kb)
file corporate_02.dds (2,38 Kb)
file corporate_03.dds (2,38 Kb)
file corporate_04.dds (2,38 Kb)
file corporate_05.dds (2,38 Kb)
file corporate_06.dds (2,38 Kb)
file corporate_01.dds (64,13 Kb)
file corporate_02.dds (64,13 Kb)
file corporate_03.dds (64,13 Kb)
file corporate_04.dds (64,13 Kb)
file corporate_05.dds (64,13 Kb)
file corporate_06.dds (64,13 Kb)
domination (27 файлов)
map (24 файла)
file domination_1.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_10.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_11.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_12.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_13.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_14.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_15.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_16.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_17.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_18.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_19.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_2.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_20.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_21.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_22.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_23.dds (256,13 Kb)
file domination_24.dds (256,13 Kb)
file domination_3.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_4.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_5.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_6.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_7.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_8.dds (341,46 Kb)
file domination_9.dds (341,46 Kb)
small (24 файла)
file domination_1.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_10.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_11.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_12.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_13.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_14.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_15.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_16.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_17.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_18.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_19.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_2.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_20.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_21.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_22.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_23.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_24.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_3.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_4.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_5.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_6.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_7.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_8.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_9.dds (2,38 Kb)
file domination_1.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_10.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_11.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_12.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_13.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_14.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_15.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_16.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_17.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_18.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_19.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_2.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_20.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_21.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_22.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_23.dds (256,13 Kb)
file domination_24.dds (256,13 Kb)
file domination_3.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_4.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_5.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_6.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_7.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_8.dds (85,46 Kb)
file domination_9.dds (85,46 Kb)
txt usage.txt (36 b)
emblem (30 файлов)
bottombar (28 файлов)
file flag_Acamarians_22.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Bajoran_15.dds (18,72 Kb)
file flag_Betazoid_34.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Bolian_16.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Borg_18.dds (18,72 Kb)
file flag_Boslic_17.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Cairn_31.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Cardassian_13.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Farian_24.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Ferengi_35.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Hupyrian_30.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Idanian_28.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Iyaaran_32.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Jnaii_19.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Kaelon_23.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Kesprytt_29.dds (24,7 Kb)
file flag_Klingon_11.dds (24,7 Kb)
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file flag_Trill_21.dds (18,72 Kb)
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file flag_nausicaan_35.dds (24,7 Kb)
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file flag_Tanugan_25.dds (341,46 Kb)
file flag_Trill_21.dds (341,46 Kb)
file flag_UFOP_10.dds (85,48 Kb)
file flag_unknown.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (27 файлов)
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file flag_Betazoid_34.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file flag_Talarian_14.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_Tanugan_25.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_Trill_21.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_UFOP_10.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file flag_Betazoid_34.dds (243,02 Kb)
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file flag_Farian_24.dds (243,02 Kb)
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file flag_Kaelon_23.dds (243,02 Kb)
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file flag_Lissepian_26.dds (243,02 Kb)
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file flag_Tanugan_25.dds (243,02 Kb)
file flag_Trill_21.dds (243,02 Kb)
file flag_UFOP_10.dds (61,25 Kb)
file flag_unknown.dds (182,38 Kb)
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map (3 файла)
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file enclaves_flag_curator.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file enclaves_flag_curator.dds (64,13 Kb)
file enclaves_flag_trader.dds (64,13 Kb)
txt usage.txt (34 b)
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map (17 файлов)
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file flag_human_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file flag_human_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file unknown.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (17 файлов)
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file flag_human_8.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_human_9.dds (64,13 Kb)
file human_14.dds (256,13 Kb)
txt usage.txt (35 b)
legion (9 файлов)
map (6 файлов)
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file flag_mp_beta_02.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_mp_beta_03.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file flag_mp_beta_05.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_mp_beta_06.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file flag_mp_beta_02.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_mp_beta_03.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file flag_mp_beta_05.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_mp_beta_06.dds (64,13 Kb)
txt usage.txt (35 b)
ornate (26 файлов)
map (24 файла)
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file flag_ornate_10.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_19.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_7.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_8.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_14.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_ornate_15.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_21.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_ornate_22.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_ornate_23.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_9.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_10.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_11.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_12.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_13.dds (64,13 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_15.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_16.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_17.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_18.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_19.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_2.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_20.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_21.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_22.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_23.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_24.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_3.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_4.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_5.dds (64,13 Kb)
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file flag_ornate_7.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_8.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_ornate_9.dds (64,13 Kb)
paradox (4 файла)
map (1 файл)
file paradox_logo.dds (341,46 Kb)
small (1 файл)
file paradox_logo.dds (3,12 Kb)
file paradox_logo.dds (85,46 Kb)
txt usage.txt (35 b)
pirate (15 файлов)
map (12 файлов)
file flag_pirate_1.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_10.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_2.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_3.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_4.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_5.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_6.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_7.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_8.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
file pirate_12.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (12 файлов)
file flag_pirate_1.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_10.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_11.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file flag_pirate_3.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_4.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_5.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_6.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_7.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_8.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_9.dds (2,38 Kb)
file pirate_12.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pirate_1.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_10.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_2.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_3.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_4.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_5.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_6.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_7.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_8.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pirate_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
file pirate_12.dds (256,13 Kb)
txt usage.txt (35 b)
pointy (26 файлов)
map (24 файла)
file flag_pointy_1.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_10.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_12.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_13.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_14.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_15.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_16.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_17.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_18.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_19.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_2.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_20.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_21.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_22.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_23.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_24.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_3.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_4.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_5.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_6.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_7.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_8.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (24 файла)
file flag_pointy_1.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_10.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_11.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_12.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_13.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_14.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_15.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_16.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_17.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_18.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_19.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_2.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_20.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_21.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_22.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_23.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_24.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_3.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_4.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_5.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_6.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_7.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_8.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_9.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_pointy_1.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_10.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_11.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_12.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_13.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_14.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_15.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_16.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_17.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_18.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_19.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_2.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_20.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_21.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_22.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_23.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_24.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_3.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_4.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_5.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_6.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_7.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_8.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_pointy_9.dds (64,13 Kb)
pre_ftl (8 файлов)
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file preftl_atomic_age.dds (18,45 Kb)
file preftl_classical_age.dds (18,45 Kb)
file preftl_feudal_age.dds (18,45 Kb)
file preftl_industrial_age.dds (18,45 Kb)
map (4 файла)
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file preftl_classical_age.dds (256,13 Kb)
file preftl_feudal_age.dds (256,13 Kb)
file preftl_industrial_age.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (4 файла)
file preftl_atomic_age.dds (2,38 Kb)
file preftl_classical_age.dds (2,38 Kb)
file preftl_feudal_age.dds (2,38 Kb)
file preftl_industrial_age.dds (2,38 Kb)
file preftl_atomic_age.dds (64,13 Kb)
file preftl_classical_age.dds (64,13 Kb)
file preftl_feudal_age.dds (64,13 Kb)
file preftl_industrial_age.dds (64,13 Kb)
txt usage.txt (34 b)
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map (18 файлов)
file abandoned.dds (256,13 Kb)
file ai_01.dds (341,46 Kb)
file ai_02.dds (341,46 Kb)
file caravaneer_00.dds (256,13 Kb)
file caravaneer_01.dds (256,13 Kb)
file caravaneer_02.dds (256,13 Kb)
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file extradimensional_02.dds (341,46 Kb)
file extradimensional_03.dds (341,46 Kb)
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file gdf.dds (341,46 Kb)
file gray_goo.dds (256,13 Kb)
file primitive.dds (341,46 Kb)
file the_empire.dds (341,46 Kb)
file the_shroud.dds (256,13 Kb)
file the_swarm.dds (341,46 Kb)
file unknown.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (16 файлов)
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file ai_02.dds (3,12 Kb)
file caravaneer_00.dds (2,38 Kb)
file caravaneer_01.dds (2,38 Kb)
file caravaneer_02.dds (2,38 Kb)
file caravaneer_03.dds (2,38 Kb)
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file extradimensional_02.dds (3,12 Kb)
file extradimensional_03.dds (3,12 Kb)
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file the_shroud.dds (2,38 Kb)
file the_swarm.dds (3,12 Kb)
file abandoned.dds (5,19 Kb)
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file ai_02.dds (85,46 Kb)
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file caravaneer_01.dds (64,13 Kb)
file caravaneer_02.dds (64,13 Kb)
file caravaneer_03.dds (64,13 Kb)
file extradimensional_01.dds (85,46 Kb)
file extradimensional_02.dds (85,46 Kb)
file extradimensional_03.dds (85,46 Kb)
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file gdf.dds (341,46 Kb)
file gray_goo.dds (256,13 Kb)
file primitive.dds (85,46 Kb)
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file the_shroud.dds (256,13 Kb)
file the_swarm.dds (85,46 Kb)
file unknown.dds (64,13 Kb)
txt usage.txt (34 b)
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map (24 файла)
file flag_spherical_1.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_10.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_12.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_13.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_14.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_15.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_16.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_17.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_18.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_19.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_2.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_20.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_21.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_22.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_23.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_24.dds (85,48 Kb)
file flag_spherical_3.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_4.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_5.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_6.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_7.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_8.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (24 файла)
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file flag_spherical_10.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_11.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_12.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_13.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_14.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_15.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_16.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_17.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_18.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_19.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_2.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_20.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_21.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_22.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_23.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_24.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_3.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_4.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_5.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_6.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_7.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_8.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_9.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_spherical_1.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_10.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_11.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_12.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_13.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_14.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_15.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_16.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_17.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_18.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_19.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_2.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_20.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_21.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_22.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_23.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_24.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_3.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_4.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_5.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_6.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_7.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_8.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_spherical_9.dds (64,13 Kb)
zoological (26 файлов)
map (24 файла)
file flag_zoological_1.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_10.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_11.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_12.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_13.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_14.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_15.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_16.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_17.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_18.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_19.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_2.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_20.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_21.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_22.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_23.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_24.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_3.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_4.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_5.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_6.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_7.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_8.dds (256,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_9.dds (256,13 Kb)
small (24 файла)
file flag_zoological_1.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_10.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_11.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_12.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_13.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_14.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_15.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_16.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_17.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_18.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_19.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_2.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_20.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_21.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_22.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_23.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_24.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_3.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_4.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_5.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_6.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_7.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_8.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_9.dds (2,38 Kb)
file flag_zoological_1.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_10.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_11.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_12.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_13.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_14.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_15.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_16.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_17.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_18.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_19.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_2.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_20.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_21.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_22.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_23.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_24.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_3.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_4.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_5.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_6.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_7.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_8.dds (64,13 Kb)
file flag_zoological_9.dds (64,13 Kb)
txt colors.txt (16,63 Kb)
fonts (1 файл)
file fonts.asset (2,17 Kb)
gfx (28 файлов)
advisorwindow (2 файла)
file advisor_grid.dds (26,09 Kb)
txt advisorwindow_environment.txt (1,74 Kb)
arrows (20 файлов)
file attackarrow_frame.dds (800,06 Kb)
file attackarrow_mask.dds (50,38 Kb)
file attackarrow_texture.dds (200,06 Kb)
file bypassarrow_closed_texture.dds (200,06 Kb)
file bypassarrow_frame.dds (200,06 Kb)
file bypassarrow_texture.dds (50,38 Kb)
file incoming_tradearrow_frame.dds (800,06 Kb)
file incoming_tradearrow_texture.dds (50,38 Kb)
file movearrow_frame.dds (200,38 Kb)
file movearrow_mask.dds (150,13 Kb)
file movearrow_normals.dds (192 b)
file movearrow_texture.dds (50,38 Kb)
file outgoing_tradearrow_frame.dds (200,38 Kb)
file outgoing_tradearrow_texture.dds (200,06 Kb)
file taskarrow_frame.dds (200,38 Kb)
file taskarrow_texture.dds (50,38 Kb)
file tradearrow_mask.dds (200,06 Kb)
file warparrow_frame.dds (200,38 Kb)
file warparrow_mask.dds (200,06 Kb)
file warparrow_texture.dds (50,38 Kb)
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frame move (6 файлов)
png frama1.png (5,2 Kb)
png frame2.png (5,18 Kb)
png frame3.png (5,2 Kb)
png frame4.png (5,2 Kb)
png frame5.png (5,2 Kb)
png frame6.png (5,19 Kb)
frames enemy (6 файлов)
png Frame1.png (5,23 Kb)
png Frame2.png (5,22 Kb)
png Frame3.png (5,23 Kb)
png Frame4.png (5,23 Kb)
png Frame5.png (5,24 Kb)
png Frame6.png (5,23 Kb)
file attack_move.ani (92,32 Kb)
png attack_move.png (5,07 Kb)
file busy.ani (218,88 Kb)
png busy.png (16,9 Kb)
file crosshair.dds (72,13 Kb)
file crosshair_01.dds (23,76 Kb)
file crosshair_anim.dds (11,94 Kb)
file crosshair_mask.dds (23,76 Kb)
file crosshair_overlay.dds (11,94 Kb)
file crosshair_overlay_mask.dds (11,94 Kb)
file dragselect.cur (4,19 Kb)
png dragselect.png (5,09 Kb)
file friendly_move.ani (92,32 Kb)
png friendly_move.png (5,05 Kb)
file grab.cur (6,62 Kb)
png grab.png (5,41 Kb)
file grabbing.cur (6,62 Kb)
png grabbing.png (5,4 Kb)
file no_move.ani (6,7 Kb)
png no_move.png (5,25 Kb)
file normal.cur (4,19 Kb)
png normal.png (5,06 Kb)
file paint_full.cur (4,19 Kb)
file paint_operative.cur (4,19 Kb)
file paint_unprioritized.cur (4,19 Kb)
file selected.cur (4,19 Kb)
png selected.png (5,05 Kb)
event_pictures (636 файлов)
first_contacts (264 файла)
file fc_cardassian_acamarian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_acamarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_acamarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_bajoran_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_bajoran_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_bajoran_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_betazoid_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_betazoid_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_betazoid_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_bolian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_bolian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_bolian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_boslic_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_boslic_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_boslic_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_cairn_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_elaurian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_elaurian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_farian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_farian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_ferengi_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_hupyrian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_hupyrian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_idanian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_iyaaran_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_iyaaran_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_jnaii_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_jnaii_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_kaelon_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_kaelon_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_kesprytt_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_kesprytt_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_kesprytt_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_ktarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_ktarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_lissepian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_lissepian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_malcorian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_malcorian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_nausicaan_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_pelian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_pelian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_talarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_tanugan_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_cardassian_trill_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_cardassian_trill_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_acamarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_bajoran_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_betazoid_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_betazoid_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_bolian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_boslic_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_boslic_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_cairn_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_ferengi_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_hupyrian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_hupyrian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_idanian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_idanian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_idanian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_iyaaran_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_iyaaran_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_jnaii_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_jnaii_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_jnaii_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_kaelon_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_kaelon_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_kaelon_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_kesprytt_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_kesprytt_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_ktarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_ktarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_lissepian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_lissepian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_malcorian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_malcorian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_nausicaan_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_pelian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_pelian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_pelian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_klingon_talarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_talarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_tanugan_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_tanugan_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_tanugan_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_trill_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_trill_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_klingon_trill_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_acamarian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_acamarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_acamarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_bajoran_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_bajoran_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_betazoid_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_betazoid_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_betazoid_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_bolian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_bolian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_bolian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_boslic_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_boslic_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_boslic_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_cairn_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_cairn_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_elaurian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_elaurian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_farian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_farian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_farian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_ferengi_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_hupyrian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_hupyrian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_idanian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_idanian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_idanian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_iyaaran_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_jnaii_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_jnaii_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_kaelon_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_kaelon_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_kesprytt_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_kesprytt_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_kesprytt_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_ktarian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_ktarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_lissepian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
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file fc_romulan_lissepian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_malcorian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_malcorian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_malcorian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_nausicaan_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_nausicaan_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_pelian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_pelian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_pelian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_talarian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_talarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_talarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_tanugan_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_tanugan_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_tanugan_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_trill_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_trill_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_romulan_trill_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_acamarian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_acamarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_acamarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_bajoran_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_bajoran_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_bajoran_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_betazoid_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_betazoid_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_betazoid_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_bolian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_bolian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_bolian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_boslic_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_boslic_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_boslic_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_cairn_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_cairn_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_cairn_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_elaurian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_elaurian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_farian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_farian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_farian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_ferengi_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_ferengi_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_hupyrian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_hupyrian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_hupyrian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_idanian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_idanian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_idanian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_iyaaran_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_iyaaran_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_iyaaran_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_jnaii_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_jnaii_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_jnaii_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_kaelon_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_kaelon_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_kaelon_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_kesprytt_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_kesprytt_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_kesprytt_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_ktarian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_ktarian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_ktarian_stage3.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_lissepian_stage1.dds (1,03 Mb)
file fc_ufop_lissepian_stage2.dds (1,03 Mb)